A Modern Crusoe

Photo: Brian Cassey

David Glasheen, of Restoration Island off of Brisbane, has been likened to Robinson Crusoe and Tom Hanks' character from Cast Away - Chuck Noland. Why? Because David Glasheen lives on a desolate island 1,500 miles from civilization.

Glasheen was once a businessman in Australia. In the stock market crash of 1987 he lost everything, millions of dollars and eventually his marriage. Then he upended himself and left his corporate life in Sydney for the island life. Photographer Brian Cassey joined Glasheen on the island and produced an article for The Sydney Morning Herald titled The Last Days of Eden.

David grows his own vegetables, catches his own fish, brews his own beer, and keeps himself -along with his dog Quasi- entertained. Check out more photos and info here.

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As an appendix-less person, I think it is in my right to say he would probably die if he contracted appendicitis. I ruptured mine and didn't tell anyone for a month, it was High School graduation and all. Ended up in the hospital for several months because of it.
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What happens when he develops appendicitis or any one of a thousand other maladies?
Also, David chooses to live there. RC and the fictional CN did not, and left at the first opportunity.
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