Archive for November 19th, 2012

Welcome Back Nick Gentry

Welcome back Nick Gentry. Gentry creates art on floppy disks. I think there is something to be said about his idea of beauty in this piece and the medium in which Gentry chooses to portray it. Clearly no one use...


“Well," said Deadpooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Killing People as a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to kill them which was better than...

The Fox and the Tomb

Foxes are about the coolest feral animal imaginable. I wish there were more foxes in the world. Less coyotes and more foxes- that's what I say. I can safely conclude my connection to the animal all started with...

Scientist: Humans Have Been Getting Stupider for Thousands of Years

Idiocracy wasn't a movie, but a documentary. Gerald Crabtree, the leader of a genetics laboratory at Stanford University, argues that humans evolved to be hunter/gatherers--a high risk occupation that tended to...

Hobbit Terrarium

You know how when you were growing up, you were just waiting for the day when those McFly hoverboards were finally reality? Well, while you were doing that I was waiting for the ability to animate miniatures in r...

Burger Plush Earmuffs

Burger Plush Earmuffs - $9.95Are you hungry for a more savory winter accessory? You need the Burger Plush Earmuffs from the NeatoShop. This deliciously fun item is sure to provide you with all the warmth and style you cr...

Are You Living the Ironic Life?

That's the question that Princeton professor Christy Wampole asked. She noted that, "if irony is the ethos of our age - and it is - then the hipster is our archetype of ironic living.&q...

Martian Radiation Low Enough for Humans to Survive

One of the challenges of living beyond the Earth's atmosphere for long periods of time is the danger of cosmic radiation. But discoveries made by the scientists running the Curiosity rover indicate that this won't be a p...

The Flash Mob Experience

Doghouse Diaries illustrates what we all think these days. Link -via Blame It On The Voicesflashmob, flash mob, doghouse diaries...

Clockwork Bugs

Remember the jeweler who made that awesome scorpion out of watch parts? His name is Jason Gershenson-Gates, a Chicago-based jeweler, and he is making more awesome bugs.   The son of a “gearhead&...

The World's Poorest President

If you think that politicians are all glamorous and such, you haven't met Jose Mujica, the president of Uruguay who lives in a ramshackle farm and donates almost all of his pay. He's the wor...

The Downside of Social Media

I feel like I have had this exact conversation a few too many times. A friend of mine was visiting from across the country, staying on our couch for a couple weeks, and I wanted to tell him all about my Los Angel...


Even if this doesn't describe what I've done "lately," it may be a prediction of what will happen with a holiday feast and its leftovers around! This Twaggie is a Tweet from Laughing Lesbian, illustrated by Wobbly Goggy....

A Twinkie Recipe

Hostess may be broke, but that doesn't mean you have to take Twinkies out of your diet. Well, hopefully if you were dieting Twinkies were not included in your diet, but you get what I mean. Instructables...

Within Two Worlds

[] If you love time-lapse video of the night's sky like I do, you can't miss this one titled Within Two Worlds by Brad Goldpaint (previously on Neatorama), who wrote:...

Mobile Office

A man in Saarbrucken, Germany was pulled over for doing 130kph (about 80mph) in a 100kph (62mph) zone. When police approached his car, they discovered that the 35-year-old motorist had turned his car into a mobil...

Ninja BBQ Set

Ninja BBQ Set - $27.95Do you know someone whose unorthodox ways make him a real killer at the grill. This holiday season give him the perfect secret weapon in the war against dinner. Get him the Ninja BBQ Set from t...

The WKRP Turkey Drop

The 1978 episode of WKRP in Cincinnati called "Turkeys Away," in which the radio station staged a Thanksgiving giveaway has become a classic holiday memory -and one of the funniest TV shows ever! It's also the s...

A Family of Bank Robbers

Some families golf together, others go camping together. This family, however, is a bit unique: they rob the bank together. And you know what they say about a family that robs a bank together....

How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey

Check out more Thanksgiving cartoons by Mark Anderson at Andertoons. Or you can draw your own!Spice up your Thanksgiving grocery shopping list with a cute little turkey! It will also look good on your last homework paper...

This is How a Rapper's Brain Works

Oh my God, Becky Look at his brain It's so big He looks like one of those rap guys Who understands those rap guys They only rap like that because...

PhantomX Hexapod

[](YouTube link)The PhantomX robot has been around for a while. This demo shows its activities running Phoenix code, and features children who are not nearly as afraid of this creepy crawly thi...

Great Game of Thrones Rings

Looking for something romantic and geeky to share with the love of your life? Then maybe you should check out these great couples rings inspired by Daenerys' & Drogo's nicknames for each other in Game of Thrones*...

Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt #22

Howdy, Neatoramanauts! It's time for another fun round of the Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt! For those of you who haven't played before, the Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt is an easy and fun onl...

Strange Musical Instruments

From the archives of Popular Science magazine, see nine of the strangest musical instruments ever, from the harpitar of 1918 to the musical typewriter of 1939. Each instrument is linked to the original magazine article a...

Navann's First Bath Is A Big Success

[](Video Link)It's always easier when your little one enjoys bath time, even if he's a six day old elephant.Via Cute Overloadelephants, cute, videos, baths, funny...

Angry Birds Theme by Angèle Dubeau & La Pietà

If you love that song from Angry Birds, here's a way to listen and to share it with others without admitting you're addicted to the video game. A lovely performance by Candian violin virtuoso Angèle Dubeau & L...

Zombie Candy Cane Christmas Ornament

Zombie Candy Cane Christmas Ornament - $9.95 (sold individually)Zombies just love the holidays. What? You don't believe me? Just take a look at the Zombie Candy Cane Christmas Ornament from the NeatoShop. As you can see,...

Make Your Own Hostess Cupcake Pancakes

Now that you can't get your Ding Dongs, Twinkies or Ho Hos at the store, it's a fitting time to enjoy a tasty tribute to Hostess cupcakes with these delicious chocolate cupcakes complete with their trademark swirl.Link h...

Family Feud: Adidas vs. Puma

The following is an article from Uncle John's 24-Karat Bathroom Reader.Here's the strange story of a family-owned business so dysfunctional that business schools teach it as a lesson in how not to run a comp...


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