Archive for November 18th, 2012

A Look At the Rare Pugiraffe

(Video Link)At first glance, Sophie looks like any other pug, but give her a little peanut butter and you can quickly see that despite her grandfather's claims to the contrary, her great great grandmother had...

Unusual Pistol Can Be Cocked and Fired One-Handed

Clever, isn't it? This 1907 design from White-Merrill was made for horse cavalry soldiers who needed a one-handed weapon:The unusual feature of this pistol was the provision of a finger-operated lever beneath the trigger...

Casting Live Versions of Animated Classics

The news is out this week that Tim Burton may be directing a live-action version of Pinnocchio starring Robert Downey, Jr. as Geppetto. That's an interesting casting choice, to be sure, but they said the same th...

Kissing Elves Salt & Pepper Shakers

Kissing Elves Salt & Pepper Shakers - $10.95Christmas is right around the corner. Are you looking to add a little bit of naughty and nice to your kitchen table? You need the Kissing Elves Salt & Pepper Shakers fr...

An Inspirational Bookcase

While some parts of this bookcase may prove impractical for storage, its purpose for your life will always be clear. Kim Yokota spotted it in a department store in Stockholm.Link -via School Library Journal | Photo: Kim...

New Findings on Tycho Brahe's Death

New findings have been released on the 300-year-old mystery of Tycho Brahe's death. The Danish astronomer died 300 years ago, and for a long time it was assumed that he succumbed to an infection from a burst bladder afte...

Kitten and Corgi

[](YouTube link)The kitten just wants to have a nice nap with a warm body to snuggle with, but that puppy won't stop wiggling! -via Daily of the Day kitten, cat, dog...

Monstrous But Realistic Baby Dolls

At some point, every parent thinks that s/he's somehow brought a demon into this world. They'd be more convinced if their children looked this this doll on a regular basis. Bean Shanine, the artist behind The Twisted Bea...

Another Turkey Dubstep

[](YouTube link)The turkeys' first dub step video from a few months ago got 2.5 million views, so they were under pressure to give their audience more. I think it went to their heads.  &nb...

Car Thief Carjacked

In 2008, a man in Salinas, California stole a truck. He made a bad decision and ended up with even worse luck:Thirty-three-year-old Edward Bishop told police he stole the pickup Saturday, then, while sitting outside a co...

The Hazards of Growing Up Painlessly

Ashlyn Blocker is 13 years old and has never felt pain -physical pain that is. She has “congenital insensitivity to pain,” meaning that although she can feel pressure and temperature up to a point, but not pa...

I Contain Multitudes

Glenys Barton's "Within" is a bronze sculpture about two and a half feet high. A pamphlet for an exhibition in London, Ontario explained its meaning:The outer calm of the immaculate features contrasts with the inner acti...

Fairy Tales

[](YouTube link)They always told you, keep your professional life and your personal life separate. In some professions, that should be a no-brainer. This video is part of a web series called Te...

Trend: Digital Wills to Protect Your Online Content after You Die

If you die, can your friends and relatives get onto your Facebook wall to let people know that you've passed? More importantly, can they access and delete your collection of untalented and somewhat unsettling My...

Cool Science Ice Tray

Cool Science Ice Tray - $5.95Are you looking for an ice tray that fits perfectly with your geeky persona? You need the Cool Science Ice Tray from the NeatoShop. This refreshing ice tray makes ice cubes shaped like math e...

Family Tree

In a project called Family Tree, photographer Bobby Neel Adams combined photos of family members to show how much they resemble each other. There is no Photoshop involved, just combined, hand-torn  portrait...

The Goofiest Villains And Monsters In Horror Movie History

(Vimeo Link)Horror movies have featured some pretty horrifying creatures over the years, and they've also let some real turkeys take center stage.Flavorwire presents a supercut of the goofiest monsters and badd...

The Science of Appetite

[](YouYube link)As we prepare to celebrate a holiday that centers around eating, we look forward to mass quantities of turkey, gravy, and pie. And no matter how much rich food you eat for Thank...

Pika Pony

"Gotta catch all the ponies!" Dusty Gusty's Pika Pony won't stay in a Poké Ball, but he will bear one as a cutie mark.LinkPokemon, Pikachu, My Little Pony...

Live and Let Die Crocodile Jump

[](YouTube link)In the 1973 film Live and Let Die, James Bond crosses a creek by jumping on the backs of series of crocodiles. Stunt man Ross Kananga, who suggested the stunt in the fi...

The Chamber Horse: A Nineteenth Century Exercise Machine

Before there were elliptical trainers and stairclimbers, wealthy people in Britain exercised on chamber horses:[...] the user sat on the seat and bounced up and down on the concertina springs as if trotting on a horse. H...

The Ecological Diversity of Your Belly Button

You are a unique and special person. There's no one quite like you! Oh, other people have belly buttons. But only you can claim that particular combination of microbes that makes up the ecosystem in your belly button.The...

The Patron Saint of the Internet

Pope John Paul II nominated Saint Isidore of Seville to be the patron saint of the internet, although the Vatican has not officially designated him so …yet. These things take time. Why St. Saint Isidore?Saint Isid...

S.O.T.: Save Our Twinkies

By now, you've no doubt already heard that Hostess is going bankrupt, which could be the end of the Twinkie as we know it. If that scares you more than the idea of a third world war, then you'd better head over to WhiteH...

Hanukkah Plate Keep Calm And Eat Latkes

Hanukkah Plate Keep Calm And Eat Latkes - $34.95Hanukkah is right around the corner and oy vey you don't have a plate to serve up those round, brown, and fried little beauties! Don't panic. Get the Keep Calm And Eat Latk...

Eiffel Tower Radiator

This elegant radiator is one of many produced by Art Radiators, a firm that manufactures radiators that are disguised as sculptures. It can be backlit for mood lighting. Others designs look like flowers and geometric arr...

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