Killer Whale Hunts a Swimming Dog

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A diver off the coast of New Zealand spotted four killer whales and quickly scrambled onto the rocks for safety. A nearby Labrador Retriever was not as attentive. One whale closed in for an easy lunch....

-via Daily of the Day

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Sorry, I had the same thought. The dog gets out of the deeper water, but the owner doesn't run up and put its leash on, and pull it right out of the water. That's irresponsible. Think about it. All the time that dog is "playing" with the whale, is the owner not concerned, calling the dog to come back, and waiting at the shore to grab it and secure it?
Is the owner even aware of what's going on, or have they simply left their dog to roam the beach while they goof off somewhere else?
It's fine to let your dog off the leash on a beach where it's not a "swimming beach", as long as you have control of your dog. Either the owner had no control of this dog, or they just didn't care. Either way, sucks to treat your dog that poorly.
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