A Swedish TV ad for who-knows-what features skydiving cats in formation, with the best soundtrack possible. Let us hope they all landed on their feet just as they should. -via Warming Glow
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Comments (2)
My alma matter, the University of Oregon, has a skydiving club and on Caturday, usually on a Saturday every other month. The club has a charity fund-raiser for a local charity like Jasper Mountain or the Pearl Buck Center in which _TRAINED_ cats skydive solo, accompanied by humans. The cats of course don't pull their own chutes, humans do this by remote control. If the remote deployment doesn't work, the cat's 'chutes have the same fail-safe auto-deployment the human's chutes have.
This is not cruel - the cats start with tandem-jumps - they are very used to this by their first solo. In fact, my Shih Tzu, Cinnamon, recently did her first solo jump. She has tandem jumped with me for two years, and her first tandem jump was when she was three years-old. No problems ever. This is not at all cruel for the cats who are naturally used to flying through the air.
/the only thing accurate about this comment is my dog's name and breed, and that my alma matter has a great sky-diving club.