Take your time - read the sign. I feel bad for this little girl, her dad is a Reddit troll. Somehow I think this will end up as a traumatic event for this girl, she will never want to sign another contract again. Marriage? Forget about it! She has already made one 17 year commitment and that won't turn out well at all.
-Via Hypervocal
They wanted to publish a baby picture of every senior. My friends all dared each other to contribute a nude photo. I was the only one who did, sending a photo of my 9-month-old self taking a bath in a dishpan in the front yard in 1959. They published it, and I got all kinds of ribbing about everyone seeing my bare chest. You know how high school kids are -or were back then. But my house had burned down in the meantime, so when I got the photo back, it became the only existing baby picture of me. If I hadn't submitted it, there would be none now.