“Toll House” Recipe Cookies Do Not Maintain Their Morphology Under Heat Stress Conditions

by Michael Cammer
Director of Light Microscopy and Image Analysis Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Yeshiva University, The Bronx, New York

(Image credit: Flickr user Nathan LeClair)

We investigated the morphological behavior of chocolate chip cookies as reported by previous investigators.

A hallmark of the male-dominated scientific establishment is the disbelief in or marginalization of the outsider or other. Two children undertook to prove their hypothesis that the popular drop-cookie recipe1 for chocolate chip cookies (known as “Toll House cookies”) would not yield preshaped cookies or that preshaped batter would not maintain its morphology through a trial of heat shock (a.k.a. “baking”).2 Because their results were exclusively qualitative, i.e. based on exclusively descriptive data drawn from repeated experimentation and because the experimenters were mere children, we sought to disprove the results via quantitative computer analysis of batter under heat stress conditions.

We were unable to effectively challenge their results.

(Image credit: Flickr user Nathan LeClair)

To challenge the results, we prepared the Toll House formulation in its standard form.1,2

To assess area and shape continuity or flux over a ten-minute heat stress condition, we employed an endpoint assay. Morphology and area, measured from a vantage normal to the plane of plating, were quantified before and after baking conditions using the powerful image analysis package.3 Index of roundness is measured as a ratio of perimeter to the square root of area with an adjustment by a constant based on 4 * pi to yield 1 for a perfect circle.


We confirm the qualitative analysis that dough both spreads and loses integrity of hard corners due to heat shock (see Figures 1a and 1b).

The dough is a suspension of starch, sucrose and lipid-based chips in butterfat, which is subjected to pretreatment and post-treatment by heat. Application of heat appears to alter morphology of the suspension, resulting in more spread and smoother-edged objects.

In addition, quantification of changes in absolute area and circularity confirm that dough loses its morphometric integrity when heated to 375 degrees F. Absolute area change is an index of spreading. All specimens spread typically by more than 100 percent each. Circularity is an index of variation from a perfect circle where 1 = perfect circle and, for our uses as it is known that area increases over time, 0 = perimeter approaching infinity. Circularity increases by approximately 25 percent which indicates the smoothing and loss of detailed edge features. Unfortunately, we were unable to establish a 1:1 correlation between area change and increase of circularity in individual specimens; however, the population study of each parameter isolated from the other is compelling (see Figures 2a and 2b).

The de facto final arbiter on all things cooking in the United States, the Culinary Institute of America, says nothing in its popular press regarding the chemistry or stability of drop-cookie dough under heat stress conditions.4 Therefore, we established definitively that drop-cookie dough loses its morphometric integrity when subjected to heat.

Area as measured by 2D projection from directly above. The thick colloid increases by 2X due to treatment by heat in standard convection oven.

However, the mechanisms of action have not been identified. Yet to be determined is the cascade of chemical events leading to collapse, spreading and subsequent cessation of flux. What roles do sugar and starch suspended in lipid play to slow the spread of the fat, which loses viscosity when heated? Do chocolate chips play a significant role as physical barriers to heat and gravity induced flow? Does protein in flour crosslink to provide stability and at what point does protein in egg crosslink due to heat? Cookies develop crisp outer shells which may be involved in the cessation of flux. The relative roles dehydration or other chemical reactions contribute to this exoskeleton have yet to be investigated.

Our investigation lays a firm foundation for further study. It should also be especially noted that cookies are three- dimensional constructs and, therefore, need more rigorous study as objects in space.

Approximate 25 percent loss of unique edge variation of features as measured by circularity of 2D projection from directly above due to treatment by heat in standard convection oven.

Special thanks to Dr. Dianne Cox for tolerating this research and not complaining excessively about the laboratory being too messy or the results too crispy.

1. R. Wakefield’s 1930 Toll House Cookie recipe as published by Nestlé, http://www.verybestbaking.com/recipes/detail.aspx?ID=18476
2. How does the Cookie Crumble?, C. Deane and R.C. Cammer, 2005, Webster, New Rochelle, N.Y.
3. Image J 1.34g, W.S. Rasband, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/, 1997-2005.
4. Baking and Pastry: Mastering the Art and Craft, Culinary Institute of America, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, N.J., 2004.


This article is republished with permission from the July-August 2005 issue of the Annals of Improbable Research. You can download or purchase back issues of the magazine, or subscribe to receive future issues. Or get a subscription for someone as a gift!

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Comments (3)

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Okay- I have this from Anonymous sources in the White House and Area 51 - All the World Leaders in fact are not on that G20 Summit, but are in fact on holiday on Epsilon Eridani - 5 at the invitation of the Balonians and the all mighty Conspiratorians. They were brought there by the U.F.O.-Yellowcab-service of the Greys.....
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That's common for folks in his field (entertainment/charisma marketing), you see it with other similar folks like this http://tr.im/zNuK

Their handlers make sure they know how to smile. Soros is getting his money's worth!
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At least this will shut the idiot birthers up. He was clearly created in a lab.

Seriously, the man has found a smile that works and has it down to perfection. I fail to see what the surprise is here.
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hasn't anyone seen a similar version of this, but with paris hilton? it's even more photographs and she's making the exact same face.

also it's not photoshopped...these are pictures from the same day. duh.
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It seems far too consistent to be natural.

I'm convinced that it is probably a benign photoshop job, in order to give each guest a nice photo with the President.
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We think those folks get botox and plastic surgery.
But in fact they get the newest nano-bots injected that by remote control get signal X for Photogenic Smile Nr. 02 and they pull at eaxactly the correct muscles and tissue for that particular smile.

But that is still all very Hush-Hush Higly Classyfied Red Tape and all that. So we're not supposed to know that...
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All of these photos were probably taken within a few hours. That smile is frozen, but other times he has genuine, wide, spontaneous smiles. His beautiful smile one thing that makes him appealing to people.
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Yeah, it's real. I know people in power who obsess over the photo op smile. They are actually being thoughtful. They want whoever they are being photographed with to have a good shot of themselves, not some clumsy attempt at reality, which might end up being stupid-looking.

I think his choice of smile is pretty good.
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In Canada we've had a robot running our country longer then you have. Our's also sports a titanium hair piece which is impenetrable to gun fire to protect his CPU.
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@ Woogie: "He was clearly created in a lab."

But was the lab located in the US or Indonesia?

This is almost as much fun as watching him deliver a speech. Tennis match anyone?
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Well at least according to the Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, the colour of the President of the United States is not white because he and his wife probably went sunbathing....
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