Archive for November 7th, 2012

Sak Yant Tattoos of Invincibility

A man known as Ajarn Ton has been giving Thailand teens magical tattoos that are supposed to make you invincible. He has recently been arrested, because guess what- they don't work. Large groups of teens,...

The Bonnacon's Primary Defense Was a Powerful One

According to medieval legend, the land that is modern day Macedonia was home to a ferocious beast. The bonnacon, when attacked, could spray extremely caustic excrement at a range of 291 feet. Medieval naturalists often r...

Neatorama Hits 25,000 on Facebook

It's official, Neatorama's Facebook page has gained its 25,000 fan! Thanks to all of you over the years who have come along for the ride, and for all the amazing comments. I, personally, read every single one of them! We...

Star Wars Origami

These are the Star Wars origami instructions you've been looking for! Software engineer and origami enthusiast Martin Hunt created some of the most amazing Star Wars origami pieces this s...

The Japanese Invasion of Alaska

The Japanese military invaded American soil in 1942 when a force of 500 men overtook the Aleutian Islands of Attu and Kiska in Alaska. They captured a Navy weather crew stationed there and occupied the islands, which are...

Breed-Specific Architecture for Dogs

No ordinary dog house will do for your special pooch. Why, the Papillon is descended from the dogs of the Kings of France! That's why Kenya Hara commissioned architects to create themes appropriate for individual breeds,...

Game of Thrones Nursery Rhymes

Tumblr user mrstater recaptioned the illustrations of Eric Carle from the children's book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? to align with the icons of the TV series Game of Thrones. Link -via Gee...

Futurama Sleeve Tattoo

TheBjorkDork's full sleeve tattoo brings us the entire Planetary Express experience at once. Her work was presumably sponsored by Slurm, as you can see an advertisement for the drink on the inside of her elbow.Link -via...

Gingerbread Zombie Family Christmas Ornament Bundle

Gingerbread Zombie Family Christmas Ornament Bunble - $53.73It's a little known fact that zombie's love Christmas. This year celebrate the holidays with your favorite zombie family. This deliciously gruesome Gingerbread...


You have seen the Wampug, i.e. Chubbs, now check out this Banthapug! There is even a little Tusken Raider riding along. It's Chubbs the Pug and Chubbs is dressed up as a Bantha from Star Wars. -Via Obviou...

A Woman's Heart, According to the 1800s

Ladies, this is a map of our hearts. Like any old map, it's safe to assume the cartographer was operating with limited tools and resources and under the influence of societal expectations. So don't be offended that Love...

Man Came Back From The Dead to Make Sure His Vote Was Cast

We all know that voting is important, but it's SO important that one Michigan man actually came back from the dead to make sure his vote was cast: "He was dead," [registered...

Disney Wars

[] (YouTube link)Video mashup group Electic Method shows what can happen as Disney buys the Star Wars franchise. Add some light sabers, iconic lines, and paternity issues to Disney movies &hell...

An Unusual But Not Too Cruel Punishment

Have you ever been stuck behind a school bus, kids unloading, and gotten a little bit annoyed because you are in a hurry? You probably have. Did you get a creeping temptation to drive around the pedestrian children, avoi...

Better Shave This Cake Before You Eat It

While this cake might be tasty, I can't help but think it will shouting "brrrrrourrrrr" when you cut into it.Link Via That's Nerdaliciouschewbacca, cakes, food, star wars, sweets...

The World’s Most Wonderfully Ridiculous Movie Computers

The concept of deus ex machina has saved many an unbelievable story, when the gods step in and do something that no mere mortal could do to advance the plot or resolve it. The modern counterpart is a real machin...

Kit Kat Life Bars

Oh, no! My life bar is almost depleted! I'd better eat this drumstick that I found on the ground. Jocelyn Anderson decorated Kit Kat bar segments with meringue to look like the life/health bars found in video games.Link...

That's One Brave Gibbon

(Video Link)Sure he's only messing with cubs, but they've still got some sharp teeth and mom's gotta be around there somewhere.Via Pets Ladygibbon, tigers, animals, cubs, videos, cute...

Why is it so hard to give good directions?

Where I live, directions to place you've never been usually comes with the caveat "You can't miss it." That phrase is a real downer, because when you hear it, you're doomed to become lost. Then when I find the place I'm...

Cocoa Trimming Kit

 Cocoa Trimming Kit - $5.45 Boy it's getting chilly. Are you looking for a fun way to dress up your favorite cold weather beverage? You need the Cocoa Trimming Kit from the NeatoShop. This deliciously delightfu...

Hobbit Hole Recreated with 2,600 Balloons

[youtube 5gz3ccuRNAM](Video Link)In 3 days and by using 2,600 balloons, Jeremy Telford, AKA the Balloon Guy, recreated Bag End in his den. It's a balloon house, and that means comfort. Watch this time-lapse video of...

Amazing Kitten Fetch

[] (YouTube link)Hyder the kitten goes the extra mile to retrieve her favorite toy. She didn't break any of the blinds -this time. This game night not be so entertaining when she reaches her fu...

Beautiful Carved Wooden Toilet Seat Cover

Steven's design is ingenious. The problem with paper toilet seat covers is that they're too flimsy to stay in place and keep you clean. But his design, made of solid wood, won't fall apart.Any why is it so elaborately de...

But They Can't Actually Line Up Together

Yes these Tetris nails look awesome and are a great fashion statement for gamer gals, but these are destined to drive dedicated Tetris fans, like myself, crazy because you can't actually make a Tetris!Link Via The Daily...

Mattress Sheep

The gift of found object artists is the ability to see forms in discarded objects that most of us would never consider. Take this mattress that Sophie Marsham found in an alley. With a bit of decoration, it looks just li...

Star Trek: TNG Proposal

The cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation were surprised when a fan's photo opportunity turned into a surprise proposal. Wil Wheaton tells the story:About 30 minutes or so into this particular session, these tw...

12 Seriously Awesome XBox Mods

Sure it's a little bit creepy, but it certainly looks cooler than a regular old XBox. You can check out plenty of other ones at the link and get instructions on how to make your own case mods.Linkxbox, 360, case mods, vi...

“Toll House” Recipe Cookies Do Not Maintain Their Morphology Under Heat Stress Conditions

by Michael CammerDirector of Light Microscopy and Image Analysis Albert Einstein College of MedicineYeshiva University, The Bronx, New York(Image credit: Flickr user Nathan LeClair)We investiga...

A Hogwarts Wedding

If you love Harry Potter and you're in love, then maybe you can combine your two loves by having an incredible Harry Potter wedding like this one, complete with a sorting hat and Hogwarts garte.Linkweddings, harry potter...


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