You have seen the Wampug, i.e. Chubbs, now check out this Banthapug! There is even a little Tusken Raider riding along. It's Chubbs the Pug and Chubbs is dressed up as a Bantha from Star Wars.
-Via Obviou...
[] (YouTube link)Video mashup group Electic Method shows what can happen as Disney buys the Star Wars franchise. Add some light sabers, iconic lines, and paternity issues to Disney movies &hell...
Oh, no! My life bar is almost depleted! I'd better eat this drumstick that I found on the ground. Jocelyn Anderson decorated Kit Kat bar segments with meringue to look like the life/health bars found in video games.Link...
The gift of found object artists is the ability to see forms in discarded objects that most of us would never consider. Take this mattress that Sophie Marsham found in an alley. With a bit of decoration, it looks just li...
If you love Harry Potter and you're in love, then maybe you can combine your two loves by having an incredible Harry Potter wedding like this one, complete with a sorting hat and Hogwarts garte.Linkweddings, harry potter...