This lamp modified by Etsy seller RenegadeVintage was originally a bowling arcade game. Those aren't pins but markers that fold back when hit by balls. Now the assembly is a lamp that provides ambient light perfect...
[] (YouTube link)This dramatic footage was obtained by placing the camera and the laser pointer in a box together and pulling the box around with shoe strings. Yeah, it's a GoPro ad, but well w...
[] (YouTube link)Jackson is an Australian shepherd mix. That means part Australian shepherd and all awesome! I mean really, my pets still won't close the refrigerator after they get th...
The more presidential election cycles you live through, the harder it becomes to recall who lost -even among the major parties. Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss adds another level of difficulty. Can you remember wh...
[] (YouTube link)In 1962, Richard Nixon quit politics after losing the California governor's race. His poor showing in the 1960 presidential election is often blamed on the televised debates th...
J. Caleb Mozzocco's blog Every Day is Like Wednesday has a couple of pages of posts on the topic of who comic book characters, mostly superheroes, would vote for. Shown here is only a part of a comic strip. You have to r...