Archive for November 2nd, 2012

Battle Bugs

Job Van der Molen, an artist from the Netherlands, has gradually assembled an army of insect soldiers equipped with tiny cannons and missle racks. Why? I don't know, but I'm sure his intentions are harmless. You can view...

Star Talk With Neil deGrasse Tyson

[] How many astrophysicists do you know by name? One right? Neil deGrasse Tyson. I don't know what it is about him, something fatherly and wholesome, but everything he does I find interest...

10 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About Spider-Man

Everyone's heard of Spidey and his everyman counterpart, Peter Parker. But do you know how long his web goo lasts? How about his middle name? And were you aware that before Spider-Man was even a twinkle in his parents' e...

IMDB Top 250 Video Montage

[] Warning NSW - Strong Language IMDB top 250. How many of these have you seen? I think I have probably watched at least 90% of these films, if not more. The list cha...

Sushi Layer Cake

A sushi roll? That's not enough. Margeaux went even further by arranging salmon, cucumber and avacado in a layer cake. Just add some candles for a hip birthday party. At the link, you can read her recipe in French and En...

Doctor Octopus

Patton Oswalt has to thank Adam Savage for this great Doctor Octopus costume. Oswalt's daughter wanted him to be the evil Doctor Octopus for Halloween, so Oswalt went to twitter to ask his followers where he coul...

Doomsday Beans

To publicize their TV show Doomsday Preppers, National Geographic sent out this nifty PR box filled with survival goods. One item that caught my eye is this: a can of Doomsday Beans....

Area Code

XKCD strikes again. The system of area codes is old and outdated. I am sure this applies to more than just the US. Still though, I do love rep'ing my 847! Pop quiz- where is 847 from? On...

Bear Plate

Bear Plate - $64.95Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we can bearly contain our excitement. Make sure your appetizers make a real statement with the Bear Plate from the NeatoShop. This beautiful ceramic tray has...

Deadmau5 in Halloween Mode

Deadmau5 normally wears a pretty neat costume to perform in, but he went the extra mile for Halloween. Of course, the "mau5" head had to stay, or no one would recognize him. But the Pinhead trappings (from the movie Hell...

Creative Ways To Tell The World You're Having A Baby

Buzzfeed rounded up some cute and clever "expectancy" announcements that tell more in pictures than in words. There's 23 of them, and it was hard to pick an example, but I was drawn to this math-based photograph. Go see...

Death of a Nyan Cat

If you surf the internet, then at some point you have probably seen Nyan Cat. The original creator of that infectiously addicting 8-bit rainbow meme, Chris Torres, has informed the internet that his cat Marty (in...

Why Do Sign Language Interpreters Look So Animated?

As hurricane Sandy approached New York City, mayor Michael Bloomberg talked to New Yorkers -and everyone else- through televised press conferences. Lydia Callis stood beside him and translated his storm instructions into...

Walking the Bed

[] At first this video may not seem like much, just a guy walking on a mattress. This is Reuben Reynoso, professional mattress walker. The final step in many handmade mattresses requ...

Why Do They Put Umbrellas in Your Drink?

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.That pretty little umbrella in your bar drink might seem like a fruity thing for a mac...

Helicopter Rescue

[] Warning NSFW - Strong Language A two man Robinson R-22 helicopter was passing by a group of large houses when the crew sees a kid flying a small toy plane. When th...

The War on Women, Waged in Postcards

It took 80 years of protests and campaigning before women achieved the right to vote in the United States, and it finally happened in 1920. That was less than 100 years ago! Along the way, the anti-suffrage movement used...

NaNoWriMo 2012

It's been a while since we have posted about NaNoWriMo, so some of you might need a refresher. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is sort of like a competition and sort of forced motivation for aspiring aut...

Changing His Mind

Comic artist Pablo Stanley illustrates what so many were thinking when they heard about the Disney acquisition of Lucasfilm. Link -via Breakfast Links But to give credit where it is due, George Lucas said that the majori...

Assassin's Creed 3 Meets Parkour in Real Life

[] (YouTube link)YouTube member devinsupertramp, who brought us the first Assassin's Creed Parkour video, ramps up the production an extra notch for his tribute to Assassin's Creed 3. Ronnie Sh...

WWII Carrier Pigeon Found

A British carrier pigeon was en route to deliver a coded message during World War II when it apparently fell down a chimney. The current owner of the chimney, David Martin of Surrey, England, found the bones of that pige...

Hurricane Sandy: The Aftermath

The Atlantic has rounded up 49 large photos from various sources that illustrate the devastation left by hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey. Four days later, millions of people are still without power and thousan...

An Honest Trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man

[] (YouTube link)Screen Junkies continues its series of Honest Movie Trailers by working on the movies that are most requested. This one for The Amazing Spider-Man is a hoot. -via Laug...

Mario Takes the Money

What gives, Mario? The cover for this Japanese Mario game CD shows the little hero giving up Princess Peach to a prince (who could well be a relative of hers, considering they look alike)! But Mario seems happy, as he ha...

Sixteenth Century Automaton of a Monk

[youtube Ycyj76VPOtc](Video Link)He walks and moves his arms, head and mouth. This marvelous mechanical monk was probably made in Spain or Germany in the 1560s, but he's still fully functional:Driven by a key-wound...

10 Moms Who Went the Extra Mile

Most moms should get a medal. These women deserve more.1. Minna Wilson: The Mom in Your Corner[] (YouTube link)On September 21st, 1989, Boxer Tony Wilson was defending...

Silver Skull Houses

Danish artist Frodo Mikkelsen made several silver skulls with quaint houses on top. Perhaps he does so to suggest that death is ever nearby the most tranquil human settings.Is that an outhouse on the right?Artist's Websi...

The Shoes Appreciation Society

Each style of shoe has a name, and proper use of those names will help you shop for the right shoe. And the left one, too! Niege Borges created this poster to help you visualize shoes by their names -or to learn the name...

Affectionate Violins

When you're not looking, Philippe Guillerm's violins are flirting with each other, getting into trouble or performing stunts. He makes amusing sculptures of anthropomorphic violins that look like they popped out of a Dis...

Uncle Drew Chapter 2

[] In the first chapter of Uncle Drew, Pepsi Max teamed up with NBA star Kyrie Irving to play a little prank on people. Now, they are back for Chapter 2. In the first installment they...


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