Cane Toads Can Survive on Nothing But Fresh Cow Poop

Cow manure? Why, to the cane toads of Australia, finding some is like a trip to McDonald's! Researchers have discovered that the toads follow herds of cattle across the desert and replentish themselves on nothing but what the cattle leave behind. Ben Scott-Virtue explained:

"They use those fresh cow patties a bit like McDonalds," he said.
"They sit up on top and they are rehydrating and then with all the dung beetles and all the other beetles coming in to roll that cow pattie back into the soil, the cane toad is just pecking them off."

Link -via Dave Barry | Photo: Eddie-S

And the winner for the 'Most misleading article title goes to...'

The cane toads aren't surviving on cow poo, unless you interpret 'on' as their position. Thing is, it's a fascinating enough article without a misleading title.
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