Everyone get on board on the kitty express! You might not get anywhere fast, but you'll certainly get to check out some absolutely adorable scenery.
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In the U.S. that word seems totally out of place in the video. YouTube lists the vid's poster shanedeboss as a Brit, though, so it may have been a disparaging comment for the humans behind the scenes. (http://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/tit)
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In plain language, what CYBret is referring to is the fact that the word "tits" appears in an annotation on the actual video towards the end. (I hope I won't get in trouble for pointing this out.)
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I'm talking about the annotation on the video itself, not what you wrote. Cute video, but pointless and sophomoric annotation.
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Whoa, I wrote something silly on a post about a cat video. The world must be ending.
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Nice annotation. Are we twelve?
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