10 Rock Concerts Which Resulted in Bloodshed

It's difficult to put large crowds of people together in a small area without something going wrong, but some concerts stand out for the amount of violence, injuries, and even death. This list tells about the big ones you recall, Altamont in 1969, Cincinnati in 1979, and Woodstock. Oh, the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival was quite famous for poor conditions, but for bloodshed, it couldn't hold a candle to the 1999 version:

Serious violence occurred on the Saturday night (July 24). During Limp Bizkit’s performance, a crowd-surfing woman was allegedly gang raped in the mosh pit, and there were several other reports of rapes and sexual assaults as well. Indeed, police investigated at least four rapes following the concert.

During Limp Bizkit’s song “Break Stuff,” the audience ripped planks and pieces of plywood off the walls. And the concert concluded with bonfires during Red Hot Chili Peppers’ encore, with parts of the security fence being ripped down and used for fuel.

Read up on all ten concerts in the list. Link -via Environmental Graffiti

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Thinking of the WHO concert in Cincinnati reminded me of an almost disastrous situation at an Emerson,Lake, and Palmer concert I attended. It was around 1973 at the Binghamton NY Arena. I was with a few friends that were in a large crowd on an entrance ramp waiting for the doors to open. all tickets were general admission. When they opened a few doors and the crowd began to move, there was a brief moment when I sensed fear as the crowd surged forward in unison. I could feel that it was impossible for me to stop as I was pressed from behind and forced to press in front of me. Fortunately there was no panic and the crowd eventually thinned out enough that me trepidation was relieved.
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