Boiling Fish Prank

Lights, camera, goldfish. I love this, as someone who has always been a fan of both pranks and fish, I never thought I would see the two combined. The look on some of their faces is just priceless. One women goes right up to it and picks it up, and frankly I am surprised she didn't drop it when she remembered it was supposed to be piping hot.

What pranks have you pulled lately Neatoramanauts?

If you happend to love fish like I do, check out these 11 Amazingly Geeky Aquariums.

-Via Unique Dialy


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Nitrogen, argon, and various inhaled anesthetics can be used to euthanize a sick bird, but the method we use is C02 in a chamber. The CO2 does not cause distress and is the preferred, recommended method. The AVMA has approved the CO2 method as the most humane, also we are in compliance with AAHA.
Not entirely sure what the rest of your comment means.
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Kirsten: Out of interest, why don't you use nitrogen rather than CO2? It's just as deadly but most animals don't have the metabolic pathways to start to pant/panic when they start to succumb to it. In fact, human experiments show that we'll steadfastly believe we're fairly sober and giving the right answers to questions such as "how many fingers am I holding up?" when we say "16, definitely 16."
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I was wondering how many fish they had to go through.
We euthanize sick birds at the Veterinary Hospital, in which i work, with a method similar to this, sans water. Poor fish.
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Except that dry ice is cold and will increase the CO2 concentration in water. In sufficient quantities, either of which are deadly to fish.
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