Patrick Quinn and Tom Riles produced this video, in which a bunch of dads sing "Part of Your World." It was made for the site Life of Dad. Quinn has daughters, which means he's seen The Little Mermaid on home video more than he cares to admit.
Quinn, who is married to Riles's oldest sister, actually came up with the idea while on a bike ride: "Besides all of my music, I have princess songs and kids' stuff on my iPod for when we are on long car rides." He found that he would often re-listen to the Disney songs for his kids. "Once you have a daughter, no matter how tough, thuggish, or introverted you might be, you're going to play princess with reckless abandon in front of others knowing that if anyone sees you they're going to understand. Especially if that someone is another dad."
Riles gives credit to his sisters. "My sisters all loved 'The Little Mermaid' growing up, and I must say, the Disney films of that generation were the best." Most of the men in the video have kids, and those who don't have nieces who "made sure they knew all the lyrics."
Other fathers around the country who have girls understood, and gamely contributed. Link (contains auto-play video) -via The Daily What