Do You Know Your State Rock ?

Twenty-three states have an official state rock (Vermont has three). Do you know what yours is?

This photo from National Geographic depicts seventeen rocks and minerals that have been designated "state rocks."

1 Serpentine California
2 Geode Iowa
3 Bauxite Arkansas
4 Slate Vermont
5 Thunder egg Oregon
6 Red granite Wisconsin
7 Agate Kentucky, Nebraska
8 Limestone Tennessee
9 Petoskey stone Michigan
10 Cumberlandite Rhode Island
11 Barite rose Oklahoma
12 Mozarkite Missouri
13 Roxbury puddingstone, Massachusetts
14 Marble Alabama, Colorado, Vermont
15 Coal Utah, West Virginia
16 Sandstone Nevada
17 Granite New Hampshire, North Carolina, Vermont


(Image credit: Rebecca Hale, NGM Staff)

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If New York has a state rock it should be limestone. We did a walkway on the north side of our house using PA Bluestone @ 30¢ a pound. Back north I could find an old stone fence out in the boonies and take what I could haul. One of the few drawbacks of living on a giant sand bar.
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