Archive for October 13th, 2012

Now Panic and Freak Out Sniff Tissues

Now Panic and Freak Out Sniff Tissues - $1.95Have you stopped believing all the lies and propaganda that are being fed to you? You need a tissue that reflects your new healthy views on life. Get the Now Panic and Freak O...

Don't Cross The Streams!

I can't help but wish that this cake uses marshmallow-based fondant because nothing could be more fitting.Linkcakes, food, halloween, ghostbusters, stay puft...

Swimming in Samurai Armor

[youtube yGE_zQMiGwc](Video Link) When Matsuo Koga straps on 33 pounds of armor and slips into the swimming pool, he's following a centuries-old tradition in Japan:Traditional swimming was developed during Japa...

The Beatles vs. the Beatles

Wikipedians who won't let it be are searchin' for the answer to that very question: For some eight years, editors at the online encyclopedia have been debating whether the article &...

Raking Leaves

[] (YouTube link)Tori is partially paralyzed, and gets around with the aids of wheels under her backside. This makes it easier for her to do her household chores, like raking the autumn leaves....

I Don't Always Play a Red Shirt on Star Trek. But When I Do, I Survive The Whole Episode

That's right, Neatoramanauts. Jonathan Goldsmith, the man behind Dos Equis' Most Interesting Man in the World, once played a Red Shirt in the Star Trek episode The Corbomit...

The TV Show That Won a Presidential Election

American moms have long been notorious for the old "TV rots your brain" argument. (Mine is guilty, anyway.) But obviously moms don't know about the ways TV can really change the world. In Russia, for example, a TV show w...

Pac-Man Shower Curtain

Holly from Get Your Nerd Craft On! blog created this waka-waka-riffic shower curtain featuring Pac-Man out of a black fabric shower curtain and a little acrylic paint. The only downside? Havin...

How to Make Corn Dog Brownies

Got corn dogs? How about brownie mix? Slap them together. But Becky McKay's recipe is only a starting point. In my experience, you should top them with Easy Cheese.Linkcorn dogs, brownies...

Bottle Ninja

[] No bottle is safe from the Will "Bottle Ninja" Keith. No bottles, you hear? NO BOTTLES! Watch the master annihilate 81 water bottles in this compilation vid...

Someone Must Have Spilled Water on These Cookies

Because they're melting!!!!! Melting!!!!!!! -In the most delicious way possible.Linkcookies, food, witches, wicked witch...

Viking Vinyl Mask

Viking Vinyl Mask - $29.95Looking for Halloween mask that will allow you to get in touch with your inner Norse explorer? You need the Viking Halloween Mask from the NeatoShop. This fierce mask is perfect for raiding ki...

Barf from Spaceballs at the New York Comic Con 2012

Our pal from CoolThings went to the New York Comic Con 2012 and came back over 90 photos of cosplayers strutting their stuff - they're all in this one post: Link - Thanks Sunny!*...

Fireball: It's Like Soccer, Except the Ball Is on Fire

[youtube sLEaJVNxsbo](Video Link)You don't have a soccer ball? No worries. Just get a coconut. Then set it on fire. That's what students in East Java, Indonesia do as a test of courage. And yes, they play barefoot.I...

Farmer "Hand-Farts" a Song and Stares Intensely at the Camera

Let this be the weirdest thing you see all weekend (please). This Universal Newsreel from 1933 introduces farmer Cecil H. Dill, whose Stupid Human Trick is Letterman-worthy stupid: he performs Yankee Doodle by squea...

Mysterious Giant Eye Washed Ashore

Photo: Cari Segelson/Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Gino Covacci was walking along the surf in Pompano Beach, Florida, when he noticed something odd in the sand, a giant eyeb...

Holiday Creep

No, "holiday creep" doesn't refer to the character in the picture, but to the fact that Christmas decorations show up in stores before Columbus Day. Why do stores do it? Because customers respond -by buying early and buy...

Maru Isn't the Only Box-Lover

(Video Link)Sure, most cats love boxes, but when a fat cat squeezes into a skinny box, the adorable level rises significantly.Via I Can Has Cheezburgercats, videos, cute, animals, pets, boxes...

Anatomical Wax Model Cake

Oh no, this cake is NOT created to look like a skinned human head. It's modeled to look like a wax model used in anatomy classes. It just LOOKS like a skinned human head! Conjurer’s Kitchen contributed this cake to...

Metal Menagerie: Beasts, Fish and Birds by Steel Pond Studios

 Wolf, Robert Jefferson Travis PondWhen scrap-metal sculptor Robert Jefferson Travis Pond starts on a new piece, the end result isn't really the focus. Half of what I do is collecting materials. I look...

This Week at Neatorama

As we are settling into the new Neatorama, Alex keeps bringing out new features and experimental ideas so fast, it's hard for me to keep up! This week, he posted two exclusive book excerpts: 8 Most Outrageous Things Poli...

Should It Be Dachstoberfest or Octoberhund?

Did you celebrate Octoberfest this year? Well, unless you happened to celebrate in Washington Square Park, you missed out when it comes to the possible cuteness of the event. That's because the New York park plays home t...

Vampire Timer

Vampire Timer - $14.95Does your current kitchen timer suck? Replace it with the deliciously fun Vampire Kitchen Timer from the NeatoShop. With this great 60-minute timer you will no longer have to be tormented by fang...

6 TV Networks That Aren’t What They Started Out to Be

Back in the '80s, we used to watch surgical procedures up close on the Lifetime cable channel. That's what they showed for hours on end, until someone got the idea that women's programming was a better idea. The "M" in M...

Zombie Star Wars Death Trooper

Reports are coming in from battlefields across the planet that troopers previously thought to be dead are getting up from the killing fields and shambling around aimlessly.Some have wounds so severe it's a wonder they ca...

Litter Bugs: Sculptural Insects Made of Antique Junk

Fleeting Dragonfly; Mark OliverWhat's a Litter Bug? According to artist Mark Oliver, this:Arthropod sub-species of the Insecta class.A creature whose instinctual and physical qualities have adapted so uniquely t...

Vintage Japanese Magazine Covers

I don't know the first thing about Japanese art (or magazines, for that matter), but I know I'm really digging these vintage covers from 1910-1950. (The one featured above is from 1924. It's like a Matisse-Tim Burton mas...

Human Anatomical Terms That Sound Like Places You Would Go See on a Vacation

Samuel Arbesman, a doctoral student in computational biology, can get into all of your nooks and crannies. Like these:Prussack’s SpaceFissure of RolandoMcBurney’s PointAnterior HornAlcock’s CanalHesselb...

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