People in a space colony of the future (by Rick Guidice, 1977)
In 1977, the Herald-Starin Steubenville, OH, asked the local citizenry to share their predictions for the year 2000. Predictably, a lot of answers came in from the 10-12 year-old set, and their answers are surprisingly accurate... at least in some cases. Marty predicted the smartphone and online shopping:
In the year 2000, we will have all round buildings. We will have a robot teacher, a robot maid, and all workers will be robots, too. We will have a pocket computer that has everything you can name. We will even be able to push a button to get anything you want!
Marty Bohen, Age 10
Other students' expectations for the future were decidedly more personal; Monica just wanted to make sure she had her MRS. Her predictions for global peace were a little more ambitious:
In 2000 I will marry a doctor and maybe have kids. I would like my husband to be a doctor because he would be helping people and would still want to be close to my family. As for a job for me I would help the crippled boys and girls. I would still like to have my same friends. And the most important thing for there to be is no wars and killings. I hope they could find cures for every sickness. And everybody will care for each other.
Monica Katsaros, Age 10
Paleofuture has a whole collection of gems just like these, which make for a great read. Link
But it makes me wonder: What would you predict for our future? Tell us what you think 2050 will look like, and why.
Comments (8)
And I'm wondering about the geopolitical landscape... and not going to venture a guess. But I think we will see more and more serious upheavals around the world and new world powers. Russia, for one, is a player to watch.