Remember the jacket that hugged you with plush hands? This vest by MIT's Melissa Kit Chow, along with Andy Payne and Phil Seaton, is the hi-tech version. It gives you a squeeze when you receive a Facebook like!
Like-A-Hug is a wearable social media vest that allows for hugs to be given via Facebook, bringing us closer despite physical distance. The vest inflates when friends 'Like' a photo, video, or status update on the wearer's wall, thereby allowing us to feel the warmth, encouragement, support, or love that we feel when we receive hugs. Hugs can also be sent back to the original sender by squeezing the vest and deflating it.
Although as an art installation, it probably has some deeper meaning, like how shallow our sense of self becomes when we are that dependent on social media. Or not. Link -via The Daily What Geek
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