This video was made by students at Wallace County High School in Sharon Springs, Kansas, in reaction to new school nutritional rules that limit the amount of calories served. The lyrics are at the YouTube ppage. The guidelines may work well for younger children, but high school students are both set in their tastes and require more food overall. Students at Cut Bank High School in Montana are resorting to a second lunch at McDonalds or bringing brown bags to supplement what the school serves -bcause it's not enough for growing teenagers, they say.
New USDA school lunch guidelines, part of President Obama’s Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, require doubling the servings of fruits and vegetables, with less sodium and fat and no meat for breakfast. The rules limit calories, so as First Lady Michelle Obama has said, school lunches don’t undo parents’ efforts to ensure their children eat healthy meals.
The problem, however, is in the limit of protein — meats, cheese, sour cream, yogurt (but not milk) — and grains to 2 ounces each for young children and 3 ounces for high schoolers. The new rules set the minimum at only 1 oz. of protein per meal, said Salley Young, a Montana School Nutrition Association executive board member and food service manager at Greenfield Elementary School.
In rural communities, some students get on the bus at 7:15 a.m., have school all day and then participate in activities in the evening, pushing dinner time to 8 p.m. or later, meaning they need more food than the minimums set, she said.
Teenagers can easily pack away twice as much food as a middle-aged person without gaining weight. There are four high school students in my family, and they are the envy of their friends because they bring lunch from home. Link -via Buzzfeed
When did I ask to be provided for?
There are all ready programs in place to provide for starving kids and you'd have to be an ass to say they need to go away. And you are right that I can say that and in the same breath say that making one sided rules that everone must follow because we say so and it looks good on paper is wrong.
The goverment has a responsability to provide for the poor, especially children while at the same time not limiting or dictating the freedoms of its populace.
Do you prefer the goverment linear thinking that there is only one way and no if ands or buts to change things? Is it really impossible to understand how somoene could want programs for free meals for starving kids to continue while at the same time not want the goverment to tell everyone the (happy happy joy joy) else what they can or can not do or have even if it is in a public school cafeteria or a fast food joint in NYC?