Famous People with High IQs

One's IQ is akin to one's income or weight: you don't brag about it, and it's rude to ask about it. But celebrities have a hard time keeping anything secret, especially when they've graduated from Yale or MIT. Then there are those famous folks whom you may be surprised to find they have a high IQ. Pictured here is Shakira, who has a reported IQ of 140 (which puts her in the "gifted" range). See the rest at Unreality. Link

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You'll notice that famous 'geniuses' (e.g. Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking) don't mention and often don't even know their IQs. There are also no sources or evidences for any of these claims. All we are really seeing here is that people believe that 'high' IQs should be associated with success, so they are assigning high IQs to already successful people.
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I have a 165 IQ. I'm significantly smarter than the average person than the average person is smarter than a gorilla. Those who know me know this is true, and those who know my biography can guess it might be, but even though I went through professional testing, I've never posted proof of it, and pretty much no one reading this has any idea if I'm just pulling everyone's leg. I might just be a liar that got lucky with a few accomplishments that make me seem smarter than I am. So am I making the number up? Exaggerating it? Downplaying it? Basing it on a random flash-based "test"? Or did some psychiatrist that's never met me guess a number based on my life story? Because I'm inclined to say that's where the majority of these numbers come from -- go through any celebrity-stalking magazine and they have a posse of doctors willing to do diagnosis at a distance. I wouldn't put too much stock in these numbers without at a minimum confirmation from the celebrity and preferably something to back it up, be it actual testing (IQ, SAT, whatever) or even just academic achievements -- not that it takes a high IQ to get a degree... Lots of bigbrains drop out, and lots of hard working dummies get good grades. Really, this is just more jacking off over fantasies of celebrities' private lives.
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