Archive for September 24th, 2012

Chinese Families with All of Their Worldly Possessions

Think you've got a lot of stuff? Well, you do - in comparison to these families in China as photographed by Huang Qingjun, who has spent the last decade travelling to remote parts of the count...

Adventure Time Finn & Jake Lanyard

Adventure Time Finn & Jake Lanyard - $6.95Are you headed off on your next office adventure? Get your hero on with Adventure Time Finn & Jake Lanyard from the NeatoShop. It's freaking adorable! No, no, I mean it's...

A Stray in the Woods

Artist and writer Alison Wilgus has a collaborative project in which you can help her tell a story about an amnesiac cat. Here's the very beginning:You are a cat.You don’t know your name, or where you are, or how y...

Driver Casually Exits Crushed Truck through Windshield During Crash

[youtube 3907eODycdE](Video Link) The "during" part is especially smooth. He doesn't wait a minute until after the crash. No, his truck is still moving as he steps out of it through the place where his...

Liquid Nitrogen and 1500 Ping Pong Balls

[] (YouTube link)Dr. Roy Lowry demonstrates what happens when liquid nitrogen returns to its gaseous state. It involves the release of a lot of energy. He blew it up real good! -via the Presurf...

Stained Glass Enterprise

Patricia Meehan's beautifully impressionistic stained glass rendering of the Enterprise has an incorrect registry prefix, but I'm going to let that go. The John of a decade ago would have freaked out about...

Pac-Man Body Piercings

Waka waka waouchie! Neatoramanaut Shannon Larratt pointed us to this g33ky body piercing of Pac-Man and ghost, done by Body Piercing by Tracy in Oceanside, California: Link...

LEGO Bento

Finally! LEGO pieces you can step on barefoot without hurting yourself. Instructables member A Japanese Housewife made this bento box for her very fortunate husband out of rice, cheese, leeks, beef, ham and cucumbers.Lin...

3D Posters by Ersin Han Ersin

Graphic artist Ersin Han Ersin hates 2D posters - so he created 3D versions that pop up to grab your attention. Take a look at the larger images over on his Behance portfolio: Link...

Catastrophe: Global Bacon Shortage "Unavoidable" Next Year

Humanity. It had a good run, wouldn't you say? Now it's over. According to the UK's National Pig Association, pig farms will be unable to keep up with production necessary to feed the world population the pork-based nutr...

Photo Series: Dangerous Dad Claims to be World's Best Father

Photographer Dave Engledow is proud of his title as the World's Best Father. So he's documented his successes with his daughter Alice Bee. The results are hysterical. He's planning to publish a calendar with these images...

Why Immigrant Children Do Better in School

Photo: Shutterstock A large study by Johns Hopkins University confirmed what many of us have known for a long time: children who immigrate the United States with their families tend t...

Devil Sunglasses

 Devil Sunglasses - $7.95Are you looking for a devilishly fun pair of shades? You need the Devil Sunglasses from the NeatoShop. This sinfully engaging pair of glasses is available in:  Black Frame with Red H...

Fractal Utensils

Fractal Forums user LhoghoNurbs posted this Photoshop entry to the site's Annual Fractal Art Competition 2012: a set of fractal utensils! The set includes four pieces: Cantor...

Grandma's Badass "Do Not Resuscitate" Tattoo

81-year-old Joy Tomkins has got what probably is the most badass tattoo a person can get: After her husband suffered a slow and painful death, she made the decision to let doctors k...

Marching Gangnam Style

[] (YouTube link)The dance is goofy enough when one person does it. The Ohio University Marching 110 performed "Gangnam Style" Saturday before a huge crowd, and nailed it. Do not miss...

Birthday Cake Shots

Cheri wanted to make a special treat for her husband's birthday, so she mixed white cake vodka and dark chocolate vodka. Then she added whipped cream, sprinkles and a carefully trimmed candle to make an intoxicating inte...

National Punctuation Day

September 24th is National Punctuation Day. Happy punctuating! I found this out by visiting Cake Wrecks, where they celebrate every holiday with a cake, or often more than one cake. For National Punctuation Day, they hav...

10 Super-Embarrassing Moviemaking Typos

When you first look at this movie title, your brain probably says Night of a Thousand Cats. And that's what you should think, because that's what it is supposed to say. But look closer, and you'll realize it say...

Best Drama Emmy Winners

Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss is for TV aficionados and critics. Since 1988, 14 different shows have won the Emmy award for Best Drama. How many of them can you name in five minutes? I got about half of them by...

Buy a Diamond, Get a Free Gun

Like grandpa always said, nothing goes together as well as engagement rings and rifles. A jewelry store in Atlanta, Georgia, is offering a sweet package deal if you want both.D. Geller and Son is giving away a free gun t...

NYC's Hamburger Alley is Burgeriffic!

As previously posted on this blog, a brand new Webseries has launched called Hungry In (New York) (Los Angeles) (Austin) (Phildelphia) (etc). If the rest of the episodes are as good as the first, this YouTube premium cha...

Hungry Pumkin

[] (YouTube link)This educational game has several parts, one in which a rabbit eats your garden up, another where farm animals dance, and one in which pumpkins come in all colors ...possibly b...

Hippo Mask

Hippo Mask - $21.95Are you on the hunt for a Halloween mask that fits your fierce, yet adorable, personality. You need the Hippo Mask from the NeatoShop. This dangerously cute mask is made of latex and has hand painted d...

If Tim Burton Drew Spider-Man: The Tattoo

Let's see. Creepy, gangly arms? Check. Swirly, wonky lines? Check. Yup, it's definately Tim Burton style.Link Via Fashionably Geektattoos, art, tim burton, spider-man, comics...

The Shy Busker

[] (YouTube link)Charlie Cavey, the Bin Man, plays "The Bare Necessities" from the safety of a garbage can in Cambridge, England. I would venture to guess that the garbage bin is more for the n...

The City Is a Playground

To self-described "urban hacktivist" Florian Rivière, the city is an enormous playground--provided that you make a few modifications. With duct tape, he added mazes, hopscotch courts and other games to the st...

A 4-Year-Old Girl Reviews Doctor Who

(YouTube Link)In a world full of faceless critics and trolling in the night, it's good to know that there are still some reviewers out there who aren't cracked or jaded...yet.Take Lindalee Rose's Doctor Who episode revie...

Rooster Captured Near KFC

Why do you suppose a rooster decided to make his home near a KFC outlet? Was he waiting for the rest of his family to come back out? A local news outlet said the capture was fairly complicated. The animal shelter said if...

9 Funny Videos From Russia's Cat Film Festival

(Video Link)This video beats going to a rave any day, which is probably why it won a special mention for the Most Creative Cat title at the Russian Cats In The City film fest. You can check out eight other weird and funn...


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