Wayne Watson of Denver, Colorado, has won $7 million in a lawsuit over microwave popcorn:
According to ABC News, furniture salesman Wayne Watson developed respiratory problems known as "popcorn lung" in 2007 after eating about two bags of popcorn every day for 10 years. "I probably look like a fairly healthy guy, but I only have, on a good day, about 53 percent lung capacity," Watson tells ABC.
The defendants in the case were Glister-Mary Lee, which makes popcorn, Kroger and its subsidiary, Dillon Cos. They had argued that Watson's work with carpet cleaning chemicals caused his illness.
Whodathunk that eating two bags of popcorn every day for 10 years could be bad for you? Link
And remember to much of a good thing is a bad thing
The real issue is the popcorn company's claim diacetyl has not been used. That would mean his problem very likely stemmed from elsewhere.