In the Netherlands, where prostitution is legal, there are about 25,000 prostitutes but two in particular really stood out. Meet the Fokkens, 70-year-old identical twins Louise and Martine who have the remarkable distinction of being old workers in the oldest profession:
Neither Louise nor Martine Fokkens fit the stereotype of a window prostitute in Amsterdam. The majority of women working in the most notorious public brothel scene in Europe are young, conventionally attractive and from outside of Holland. The Fokkens are 70-year-old identical twins, and very Dutch.
Known as the "oldest window girls" in Amsterdam, Louise and Martine have almost 100 years' experience of prostitution between them. They have been the subject of a well-received film aptly named Meet the Fokkens and have written a book about their lives, due to be released later this month.
Julie Bindel of The Guardian traveled to the red-light district of Amsterdam to interview the twins: Link