Restrooms Users Watched from Street

The public facilities at the Standard Hotel in New York City offers a breathtaking view. But don't assume that those floor-to-ceiling windows can't be looked into as well!  

Restroom users at the Boom Boom Room club on the 18th floor are completely visible from the street below as they do their business, thanks to 10-foot, floor-to-ceiling windows.

The toilet-sitters get wondrous skyline views. But the windows work both ways — much to the chagrin of relief-seekers after they’re told what could be seen from the street.

“The view outside is exciting, but the view inside is frightening,” said David Langdon, 55, from Melbourne, Australia. “I saw people waving at me! Sitting on the royal throne, you don’t expect a public viewing!”

The hotel offers no warning and no explanation for the restroom design. Is it meant to be a free peep show? Is it design mistake? Or is it a subtle way to encourage guests to use the restroom somewhere else? Link -via Arbroath

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There's one like this in Yokohama, Japan. The mens urinals are lined up against the side, with a floor-to-ceiling window looking out over a busy plaza. And it's only on the 4th or 5th floor, I believe.
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