14 Great Parody Twitter Accounts

Twitter is a great way to keep up with people on the internet, but it's also a source of entertainment from accounts created just for that purpose. You have to admire a novelty account that can keep the one-liners coming day after day after day. If you're not following any parody accounts, you'll find a list of recommendations at Oddee that includes fictional characters, alternate celebrities, and inanimate objects. For example, the Mars Curiosity rover has a Twitter account, then there's a parody account named Sarcastic Rover that has the same job, but does it with a big dose of snark.

Mars is a lot like Arizona… red, desolate, everyone's obsessed w/ trying to find aliens. Also, I regret visiting both.

Check out the entire list -you may find just what you need to brighten your day! Link

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My favourite parody twitter account is the one called Faux Murray Schafer. It's a parody on the Canadian composer Murray Schafer. It's very industry-specific humour, but I find it very funny.
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