Do You Feel Bad About Regifting?

Do you regift? Come on, admit it. Do you feel guilty after regifting something?

Well, don't. According to a new paper published in Psychological Science, the taboo of regifting is all in the mind of the giftee:

Participants who imagined regifting a gift (receivers) thought that the original giver would be more offended than participants who imagined that their gifts were regifted (givers) reported feeling. Specifically, receivers viewed regifting as similar in offensiveness to throwing gifts away, yet givers clearly preferred the former. This asymmetry in emotional reactions to regifting was driven by an asymmetry in beliefs about entitlement. Givers believed that the act of gift giving passed title to the gift on to receivers, so that receivers were free to decide what to do with the gift; in contrast, receivers believed that givers retained some say in how their gifts were used.

Link - via Discoblog (Image: Prank Gift Box from the NeatoShop)

Do you regift?

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Yes, but ONLY if a few years have passed and it's something I think the person would like AND it's never been taken out of the box. I would re-gift, for example, a game I don't play anymore, but never clothing.
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