2012 Ig® Nobel Prizes

The 22nd annual 2012 Ig® Nobel Prize Ceremony will be held on September 20 at Harvard University's Sanders Theater. Ten Ig Nobels will be awarded for research that makes us laugh, and then makes us think. The ceremonies will feature "a variety of momentously inconsequential events," or in other words, silliness.  

The identity of the winners is kept secret until they receive their prize on stage. Their acceptance speeches will be brief, with time limits being enforced by a stoic, very cute eight-year-old girl.

Genuine Nobel laureates will physically hand the prizes to the winners. Attending the ceremony will be Dudley Herschbach (chemistry, 1986), Rich Roberts (physiology or medicine, 1993), Jack Szostak (physiology or medicine, 2009), and Roy Glauber (physics, 2005). One of them will also be the prize in the Win-a-Date-with-a-Nobel-Laureate Contest.

Another of the evening's events will be the part in which noted scientists will present lectures on their research limited to 24 seconds, followed by a summation of no more than seven words. If you cannot attend, the entire evening will be streamed live via internet, and then archived for later view. If you can attend, Improbable Research has a link for ticket purchases, and plenty more information about the awards. Link

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