In 2007, Technoviking took YouTube by storm (What? Don't know who Technoviking is? You poor thing! Don't fret - we've got his videoclip at the end of this post).
Fast forward to today, and you'll find Iraqi-born artist Wafaa Bilal trying to resurrect the musclebound Teutonic viral sensation with a huge inflatable of his face. Here's Meme Junkyard: Technoviking.
Both the title of a video and the nickname of its Teutonic protaganist, Technoviking became a Youtube hit in 2007, accumulating tens of millions of views across the original upload and the countless reposts, remixes, take-offs and fan films that followed.
Recreating Technoviking as an airfilled avatar that will inflate and deflate according to the buzz it generates on Twitter, Meme Junkyard asks us to consider what it means to ‘go viral’ and, be it a cat playing piano or David After Dentist, what becomes of an overnight YouTube sensation months or years after the fact.
To keep Technoviking inflated, use the Twitter hashtag #technoviking.
Link - via we-make-money-not-art
And, as promised: All Hail the Technoviking! (More from Know Your Meme)
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