Is Chipotle Stealing Pennies?

Oh, Chipotle. The restaurant has been caught with its hands in the salsa container when an amateur sleuth noticed that it's been rounding its bills to eliminate pennies:

On several recent shopping trips, Jayson Greenberg wondered what the deal was with pennies — or the lack thereof — at Chipotle Mexican Grill in West Caldwell.

"The receipts at the Chipotle in West Caldwell don’t add up when there are odd amounts involved," he said. [...]

On the first, dated July 13, the nine items added up to $32.93. There was $2.31 in tax. The total should have been $35.24, but next to the "total" line on the receipt, it said $35.25.
The next receipt, with the same sale date, showed a subtotal of $8.64. The tax was $0.60, so the grand total should have been $9.24. But no. With Chipotle-style math, the total was $9.25.

The third receipt, dated July 17, had a subtotal of $17.75 and tax of $1.24. The total? $19.00, but elementary school students would have come up with $18.99.

Karin Price Mueller of The Star-Ledger has more: Link

Is rounding the bill to eliminate pennies theft or a reasonable retail policy?

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To complicate matters further, pricing policy actually varies from States to States, here in the USA. Some states do not include the sales tax, whereas others do. I agree with you that pennies are an inconvenience, but my wife loves getting change.
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