Wheel Clamp Man: Hero or Villain?

A caped crusader who named himself the Wheel Clamp Man found his calling when he got clamped one day. Now, the mystery man with a Zapata mustache and green leotard roams the city of Perth, Western Australia, with an angle grinder to remove the wheel clamps by his nemesis Parking Meter Man.

Wheel Clamp Man has reportedly been helping forlorn motorists for several weeks in Perth, Western Australia. He was tracked down by a weekend newspaper, but refused to disclose his name and said he was inspired by England’s Angle-grinder Man, who wore a blue leotard and removed clamps in London and Kent almost a decade ago. He wore the costume to avoid being filmed on closed circuit cameras and asked drivers before removing the metal restraints.

“I’m helping people out,” he told Perth’s Sunday Times newspaper. “I don’t feel I’m damaging property.

“The amount of money these companies make off innocent people is insane. Where does that money go?

“Not into car parks or safer streets. It goes into their pocket.”

The police department, however, considers him a menace and urges the public to turn him in: Link

What do you think, Neatoramanauts? Is the Wheel Clamp Man a hero or a villain?

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Without getting the whole story on the clamping, my assumption is that cars get clamped there for the same reason as, say, in Chicago: the car owner has too many unpaid parking tickets or other monies owed the city. If that is the case, the car owner has to pay up to get their car back (that is, have the clamp removed).

This means that Wheel Clamp Man is aiding and abetting scofflaws; isn't that illegal? Also, he is destroying property as he is destroying the clamp--another illegal activity.
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