Photo: Shutterstock
In the midst of the discussion over marriage equality these days, let us ask this question: Should three people be allowed to marry each other? After all, they're all grown ups and what business does society have in regulating what they do in private?
That's the controversy surrounding the case of a three-person civil union in Brazil:
A notary in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo has sparked controversy by accepting a civil union among three people.
Public Notary Claudia do Nascimento Domingues has said the man and two women should be entitled to family rights. She says there is nothing in law to prevent such an arrangement.
But the move has angered some religious groups, while one lawyer described it as "absurd and totally illegal".
The three individuals, who have declined to speak to the press, have lived in Rio de Janeiro together for three years and share bills and other expenses.
Comments (34)
I don't think this should be Illegal. The law shouldn't dictate who you can, and can't be partners with (with-in reason, let’s not nit-pick about goats, rocks, and under-age). How about this, if you can legally gamble, or be drafted to fight in a war in your country, then you can be partners with others that can do the same.
If 3 consenting adults want to legally declare themselves as partners with shared fiscal responsibilities and living arrangements then so be it. That's their lives, let them live it. It doesn't hurt me or you, unless they happen to be marrying someone you had your eyes on. I don’t see anything Morally wrong with this arrangement that would cause us to have a Law against it.
Now, 20 people as partners with a clear intent to take advantage of a government provided perk of partnership (citizenship? Tax breaks?) That is morally wrong. This scenario has nothing to do with a desire to be partners with someone. It should be illegal.
As far as holy matrimony, and/or the profession of your love to one another in front of your god any everyone you know; that depends on your religious viewpoints, your god, and your 'everyone you know'
If you're interpretation of your religious texts leads you to believe you can marry multiple partners, and you can find a church and group of people that shares those beliefs, then absolutely. Have a Holy matrimony at that church with those people, and be happy in your beliefs, for they are yours and your partners', and nobody can take that from you.
Should you be able to go to any church anywhere and get married in that church that does not share your views? No. Sorry, but you have no right or entitlement to marry in a church that does not relatively share your religious views on marriage. It would be disrespectful of you to do it, and of the church to allow it.
The governments would definitely need to revise rules and regulations on the perks (tax benefits, or in my case tax penalties) involved in marriage scenarios. But governments need to revise a lot of things. People by nature take advantage of things, so things need to be governed. This is all just one more thing that needs to be governed. Not dis-allowed altogether as a ‘morally wrong 100% of the time’ topic.
It is just one problem i see with this: Polygamy is usually 1 Man multiple Women, but also includes the case of 1 Woman and multiple men...
This means that polygamy also would allow multiple men married to multiple women...
And finally e.g. one women having two husbands, wherein at least one of them in turn has an additional woman that is in turn married to one or more ohter men...
I don't want to imagine any divorce rules, name laws, laws of succession in such a situation....
I won't accept a polygamy relation ship for me...
But if any group of people find a non-discirminative way to get along with Polygamy why should i want to forbid it...
In the Brazilian situation there is only one question... if the Husband dies, would the women still be married?
...mariage is a worthless concept, look at the outcomes. To throw that sh1tty idea away would not be the end but the true start of civilisation. and if someone would like to marry more then one person, i wish them good luck, because normally, one person is all you can handle... but i don't have any "moral" obligations. because i'm not a fascist who dictates what other people should do with their sex life.