15 Really Strange Movie Credits

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.

Do you ever read the credits for a movie? If you don't, you're missing some gems that pop up every now and then.

1. An American Werewolf in London (1981) had an end title congratulating Prince Charles and Princess Diana on their recent wedding.

2. The Beatles' 1965 film Help! was "dedicated to Elias Howe who invented the sewing machine in 1846."

3. Political correctness and feminism took hold in Slam Dance (1987). The "best boy" is credited as "best person."

4. Solomon and Sheba (1959) features a credit for "orgy sequence advisor."

5. The making of The Cotton Club (1965) involved so much litigation that the credits even included one for the law firm representing the successful litigants.

6. The Marsupials: The Howling III (1987) has a credit to the restaurant director for his Eggs Benedict.

7. There is a credit for "Roach Wrangler" on George Romero's Creepshow (1959). The film contains a scene involving thousands of cockroaches.

8. A title at the beginnign of Bill (1923) warned the audience that the film had no love interest and no mechanical thrills.

9. The Italian religious epic The Old Testament (1922), a silent movie, was released on America in three versions with three different sets of title cards: one for Protestants, one for Roman Catholics, and one for Jews.

10. During the early 1930s, supporting player Dorothy Jordan was always given star billing when her films were shown in her hometown of Clarksville, Tennessee, however minor the role.

11. Probably the only film which managed to spell its own star's name wrong was in the credits to The Bit Part (1987), an Australian film, which billed topliner Chris Haywood as "Chris Heywood."

12. "Fangs by Dr. Ludwig Van Krankheit" is an interesting credit from Dance of the Vampires (1967).

13. Night Patrol (1984), a typical '80s comedy, has the end credits listed in French for some inexplicable reason.

14. Chosen Survivors (1974) features a credit for "technical consultant on vampire bats."

15. The somber Australian melodrama In Search of Anna (1978) features a dog named Billy and has an end credit telling viewers that "Billy eats Loyal dog food."

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Stanley Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove" had a mistake in the opening title sequence. Hand written by designer Pablo Ferro, one credit reads "BASE ON THE BOOK RED ALERT" rather than "BASED." Kubrick decided to leave the mistake in the film, as the theme of the movie is "the World being destroyed by Human Error."
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Always love reading the credits - sometimes you get extra rewards. I saw Airplane! when it first came out, only 2 or 3 folks were left in the theater to see the last scene with Howard Jarvis that came on after the credits - a lot of folks didn't believe me when I told them it was there (not unlike my cousin not believing me about the 11th song on side 2 of Abbey Road (Her Majesty - originally it wasn't listed on the album))
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The Phantasm horror films include: Unauthorized duplication, distribution, or exhibition may result in civil liability, criminal prosecutions, and THE WRATH OF THE TALL MAN.

Another one that amused me was the Jim Carrey flick The Mask, which has a specific credit for a "moth puppeteer". (A gag where The Mask checks his pockets for cash and comes up empty...)
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