Archive for August 27th, 2012

Marine Corps Mascot Promoted under Controversial Circumstances

Chesty XIII* is an enlisted bulldog in the United States Marine Corps and that force's official mascot. His recent promotion from corporal to sergeant was almost aborted after Chesty angrily confronted a golden retriever...

The Fresco Restoration Treatment

The story of the botched restoration of the fresco Ecce Homo spawned a lively round of Photoshoppery and other meme-making activities. Buzzfeed has a roundup of some of the funniest. Oh, and the Mr. Bean*/em...

The Best Mashup Cosplaying of Star Wars Celebration

Just wait until Luke Joker and Leia Quinn learn that they're brother and sister.On second thought, I don't think that the Joker will mind.Jen of Epbot attended the most recent Star Wars Celebration convention. She compil...

American Academy of Pediatrics Now Endorses Circumcision

To circumcise or not to circumcise, that is the question that many parents of newborn baby boys have to ponder. Now, the American Academy of Pediatrics have released a new policy endorsing c...

Peanut Butter and Jelly S'mores

Your diet can wait. These s'mores cannot. Make the right decision and follow Desiree's recipe at the link.Safety warning: it may be hard to fit the entire s'more in your mouth at once. But as the kids say, YOLO.Link -via...

Women in Togo Will Go on Sex Strike to Demand President's Resignation

Forget marches and other such protests to force politicians out of office! The women in the civil rights group in Togo have come up with a plan that may prove to be far more effective in the...

Darth Vader Onesie

 Darth Vader Onesie - $35.95Does your baby rule your house with an iron fist? Accept your fate and dress him like the lord he is with the Darth Vader Onesie from the NeatoShop. This fantastic outfit comes with a hea...

Jumping Stick Insect Looks Like a Sci-Fi Character

Photo: Alex Wild Alex Wild (previously on Neatorama) took this photo of an Apioscelis jumping stick insect in the Jatun Sacha reserve, Napo, Ecuador, that looks str...

Exploiting the Fine Print

Lawyer and financial planner Joseph Caramadre has made a career out of reading the fine print and exploiting loopholes. He's under fire now for a scheme in which he sold variable annuities with life insurance. The catch...

Sky Garage

Problem: You want to be close to your Ferrari and don't want to leave it at a cold and lonely garage in the basement, but you live in a high-rise apartment. Solution: A car lift that br...

Brett Cohen's Celebrity Prank

[] Brett Cohen? Sure, we know Brett Cohen*! Heck, we even knew him before he got famous for pretending to be famous. That's right. Brett is just an ave...

Music Idol Causes Women to Swoon

In the 20th century, we became used to seeing hoards of girls excitedly screaming over a musician: Frank Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles ...all the way to Justin Bieber in the 21st century. But the phenomenon did not start w...

Schrödinger's Call Me Maybe

It is impossible, we'd say, not to read the caption in the tune of Carly Rae Jepsen's viral hit Call Me Maybe.Schroedinger's Cat, Call Me Maybe, Carly Rae Jepsen...

Pinterest "Pin to Win" Winners

Last week, we ran our very first Pin to Win contest, where your Pinterest boards can win you neat stuff from the NeatoShop. We've got tons of really neat entries - thanks guys! Congratu...

A Boy and His Marmot Friends

Four years ago, Matteo Walch and his family went to the Austrian Alps and made some quite unusual friends, a colony of marmots! Since then, Matteo has returned to the same place every year t...

Josico Wants Attention

[youtube TOVhc1KzhpI] (YouTube link)Josico shows off her lovely voice. This sweet cat belongs to model and professional wrestler Reby Sky. Is Josico imitating a duck, a crow, or is she practicing her witch laugh for when...

Awesome Custom Made Star Wars Dresses

Etsy seller Nerd Alert Designs is quite the geek fashion designer from dresses that look like Star Wars characters to scarves in the shape of your favorite scarves to cute fashions that take subtle inspiration f...

Magic Carpet

[youtube 1C_40B9m4tI] (YouTube link)Isn't it amazing what a set of fans and one piece of fabric can do? Artist Daniel Wurtzel creates kinetic sculpture with air currents. The installation Magic Carpet appears in the new...

These Popsicles Are Chillingly Realistic

Stoyn is launching some amazing pop-culture inspired popsicles featuring characters like Freddy, Jason, Pinhead and Darth. But as great as they look, I can't imagine actually wanting to enjoy a bloody Mary or blueberry l...

Name the Big 12

Did you know that there are only ten schools in the Big 12 conference? I didn't. But if you knew that, you'll probably do well in today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss. The challenge is to name all the...

Bender-D2 Cosplay Hits The Con Floor

A rare hybrid droid was spotted at the Star Wars Celebration VI in Florida, and the myriad of scifi universes orbiting spinning around inside our minds will never be the same.Bending unit Bender Bending Rodriguez has bee...

Is There a Limit to How Tall Buildings Can Get?

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai may be the world's tallest building, but not for long. China and Saudi Arabia already have plans to build taller skyscrapers. How long can this go on? Is there a physical limit to how high you c...

The Cookie Monster Rises

(Video Link)It's so great that his lips totally match. In fact, if I hadn't already seen this movie, I think I would actually think this was a scene from the real film because hey, why wouldn't Batman be obsessed with co...

A Dark Knight BatPod Made Out Of Scrap Metal Parts

An industrious biker/Dark Knight fan built this sweet looking, and fully functional, BatPod motorcycle out of scrap metal and spare parts, so now he gets to ride around his town in Vietnam looking like a boss.All togethe...

Sweet Child Of Mine Polka

[youtube ouxbu-bfbVY] (YouTube link)YouTube member adnmusic "improved" the video of Joe Rinaudo playing his 1926 Photoplayer by requesting a polka version of the Guns 'n' Roses song "Sweet Child of Mine." A simple joke,...

Do You Guys Think Skyler Should Go To Jail?

Breaking Bad fans, there's only one episode left, so before we know what will happen in the end, it's fun to consider what will happen to everyone. I for one was particularly curious about what could happen to S...

New Star Wars Animated Series - Detours

(YouTube Link)From one of the guys that brought you a little scifi franchise called Star Wars (George Lucas) and one of the guys responsible for the toy-motion bonanza known as Robot Chicken (Seth Green) comes a very new...

Khakis: A Heat Stroke of Genius

The following is an article from the book Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Salutes the Armed Forces.The British Army's fancy scarlet tunic looked sharp, but was agonizingly uncomfortable in the heat. The soldier...

Surreal Sculptures By Alex Chinneck

Brick chimneys are not typically thought of as flexible structures, and slicing through them isn't anything like slicing through a piece of paper.Well, sculptor Alex Chinneck must have missed the memo on what you can and...

That Is One Happy Little Goose

(Video Link)That's the same thing I do when I get a tiny bite of my favorite food. Everybody do the happy dance!!!Via Cute Overloaddance, animals, cute, videos, goose...


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