This Wedding Brought to You By Gears of War

Who knew retro lancers are not only good for slaughtering grubs, but also for cutting wedding cakes? Now that's such a romantic way to share your mutual appreciation for a video game.

Link Via That's Nerdalicious

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I'm not great at puzzles, but this was too easy.
Besides, why did the soldiers just let him go? He was promised freedom if he was wounded, not if he escaped injury. They could have left him tied up. Since they disobeyed a direct order, they would have all been executed. Their chances would have been better shooting at the prisoner.
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I would have them stand single file so only the guy at the front could take a shot. And then I would be tied on the opposite side of the pole, so that if the shooter DID manage to hit me, the bullet would graze one of my shoulders. Then I could go free with my flesh wound.
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