Sit up straight and pay attention: do not eat paste, and do not take your pants off in front of the other students. Your parents will not be there. Some teachers are jerks. Some will be strange shapes. Cut teachers some slack. -via The Daily What
Sit up straight and pay attention: do not eat paste, and do not take your pants off in front of the other students. Your parents will not be there. Some teachers are jerks. Some will be strange shapes. Cut teachers some slack. -via The Daily What
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1. Bridezillas
2. Extravagant Italians (possibly links to the mob)
JackAss lll.
See - that just leads to playground taunts. We all have opinions, and many of us voice them. No one is immune to criticism and we all have the right to judge other people, that's what holds society together. If no one were allowed to voice criticisms anyone could do just anything they like - that's not a great place to live.
Where did this attitude that it's not OK to judge people come from, anyway? Why can't I say it's silly? I don't mind other people saying things I do are silly - if we were only allowed to be nice to people we'd soon have someone complaining that we weren't being nice /enough/ or were nice in the wrong sort of way.
The turkey give-away episode of WKRP was the funniest sitcom episode EVER!!!
But then I was a blue collar photographer not many extravagant weddings in my portfolio. Sorry someone got hurt but it's still funny, just not as funny as wkrp and the flying turkey.