For Sale: Check Out Card Signed by Elvis Presley

Some Neatoramanauts may be old enough to know what this is. It's a checkout card for a library book, used in the days when library circulation was handled by bear skins and stone knives instead of computers.

In 1948, the Man Who Would Be King checked The Courageous Heart, a biography of Andrew Jackson, out of the library at Humes High School. It's for sale at Heritage Auctions.


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They still had check out cards when I was young, but instead of names, they used a card number. I would see a book and check if my number was on its card to see if I'd already read the book! But you have to know your own number to do that, so it protected people's privacy a bit more. I can imagine that having to sign every book you've read might lead to gossip in some towns, or even legal trouble in certain political eras.
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