Man Sells His Whole Life on eBay

Some people use eBay to unload their junk, but 29-year-old Shane Butcher is using it to sell his entire life, including his video game stores, cars, and even his two houses and everything in them for the asking price of $3.5 million. Dog and wife not included, though:

“It’s something you don’t see every day. You don’t see people selling their life on eBay,” Shane said in an interview with the local media. “There’s plenty of other weird things you see on there like a grilled cheese with the Virgin Mary’s face on it, but this doesn’t happen very often.” ”There’s so many things I haven’t seen and you just can’t see everything when you’re tied down to a business,” he said. “I’ve never seen Mount Everest, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone National Park–I want to go see things. I have a huge bucket list,” Butcher added.

Oddity Central has the story: Link

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That's not exactly his whole life if he can't give up the wife and the dog, plus at least one kidney.
Sounds like a garage sale gimmick.
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