Archive for August 7th, 2012

The Monkey Whisperer

      Do you have an unruly monkey? Lisa Whiteaker, a professional pet monkey trainer, can come to your rescue:       Whiteaker, 48, has been a monkey trainer since 1992, and her...

Man Tries to Sell Counterfeiting Machine at a Famous Pawn Shop

American Jewelry and Loan in the famous Detroit pawn shop where the reality TV show Hardcore Pawn is shot. According to its flamboyant owner Les Gold, people travel enormous distances to visit it and possibly ap...

Images Of People Stuck In Uncomfortable Positions

Photographer and digital artist Lee Materazzi enjoys putting his subjects into uncomfortable positions via photo manipulation.How they got there is a backstory you'll have to create for yourself...(Artist's site has cont...

Amtrak's $16 Burger

You can get $16 hamburgers at fancy restaurants, but it takes Big Government's Amtrak to sell hamburgers that cost that much AND incur a loss of $834 million over the past 10 years. The...

Celebrating Julia Child's 100th Birthday

(YouTube link) I used to do a great Julia Child impression on the radio, but now half the audience wouldn't recognize her voice. If you remember the delightful and entertaining French Chef, you'll enjoy this tribute Twi...

The Brain of Hoarders

Photo: Hoarders/A&E You've probably watched A&E's series Hoarders, which feature homes of suffer from compulsive hoarding. It's a fascinating show, probably because w...

Community Memory: World's First BBS and ... Online Troll?

Photo: Resource One Newsletter, Number 2, April 1974, via Mark Szapakowski Community Memory, the first public computerized bulletin board system was installed in Berkeley, Cal...

The Diamond Anvil

The first diamond anvil cell at the NIST Museum, from The Diamond Anvil Pressure Cell [pdf] by Gasper J. Piermarini and Stanley Block The Diamond Anvil is a simple lab device that sci...

aMAZEme: A Labyrinth of Books

This brings a totally new meaning to being "lost in a book." Brazilian artist Marcos Saboya and Gualter Pupo created a temporary labyrinth art project called "aMAZEme" out...

Kitty Cam Reveals Cat's Secret World of Slaughter

The world of free-roaming house cat has been a mystery to humans until University of Georgia researcher Kerrie Anne Loyd outfitted cats with "kitty cams." She found out that behind t...

With A Piece of Chalk

Hopscotch ain't what it used to be anymore, folks! Check out this kid's moves in this wonderful short film by JuBaFilms starring Justen Beer. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]chalk, brea...

Serenity Made from 70,000 LEGO

Image: brickfrenzy/Flickr This one is for all you Browncoats out there. Adrian Drake of Brickfrenzy created a 7-foot long Serenity spaceship from the sci-fi series Firefly ou...

The Warsaw Basilisk

The ancient legendary creature called the basilisk was feared in Europe and North Africa. It was a combination snake,rooster, bat, and sometimes other animals, that was born from an egg laid by a rooster and incubated...

21 Links Between Unexpectedly Shared TV Universes

It's almost as if the writers worked on different TV shows, or knew each other, or something. You know they do, but a lot of small things go unnoticed until you read about them. But you probably noticed that detective Jo...

Little Bottles

  I must admit some guilt in this scenario, but the upstairs bathroom our three teenage daughters use is even worse! This Twaggie was illustrated by Dave Collier from a Tweet by 1BigMick. See a new illustrated Tw...

Counting Song

(YouTube link) Adam Buxton wrote a song about the joy of counting that soon turns into something not quite so joyful. Despite appearances, this is not for children. Video directed by Cyriak Harris, illustrated by Sarah...

A Marine’s Return to Ballet

Roman Baca became a ballet dancer after high school. Since male dancers are in the minority, he found plenty of work, but not the full-time position he hoped for. So Baca joined the Marines and was sent to patrol Fallu...

Ned Kelly's Bones

The remains of Australian outlaw and folk hero Ned Kelly have been identified and will be returned to his family, 132 years later. Kelly was executed by hanging in 1880, then buried in a mass grave. Remains of many priso...

How A Slush Machine Works

(YouTube link) How are liquid slushes served at temperatures below freezing? It's the magic of physics! -via The Daily What Geek slush, video, physics...

Literary Javascript

Twitter developer and book nerd Angus Croll wondered what famous authors would do with javascript. His gives examples from his imagination for four great writers: Ernest Hemingway, Andre Breton, Roberto Bolano, and Willi...

New World Record Skydive

(YouTube link)       The skies over Ottawa, Illinois saw 138 skydivers set a new world record this past weekend as they linked up in a snowflake formation. Months of planning and 15 attempts resulted i...

On the Gradual Diminution of the Human Head

by F.F. Tuckett and Dr. Beddoe, F.R.S.[Originally published in Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society, New Series, vol. 3, part 3, 1882. Thanks to Desmond T. Donovan for bringing it to our attention.]Mr. T...

Lincoln on Mars

Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech I've been waiting for NASA's rover Curiosity to land safely so I can tell you that we now have Lincoln on Mars. Yes, Abraham Lincoln on the Red Planet....

Don't Copy That Floppy!

Even before The Pirate Bay and BitTorrent, people have been copying software. And along with that activity came anti-piracy public service announcements. Here are two of our favorite anti-piracy ads of yore:...

The Pooping Duck Automaton

More than two centuries ago, French engineer Jacques Vaucanson built the Digesting Duck automaton, a mechanical duck that could eat and digest grains, and then ... poop them...

The Hardy Tree

  Before he became famous, British novelist Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) worked as an architect. One of his more unpleasant projects was the relocation of an old graveyard to make way for the expansion of London. He...

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