6-Year-Old Gives 10 Reasons Not to Vote for Obama

(YouTube link)

Whether you agree or disagree with president Obama, his policies, or the Democratic party he represents, you have to admit that 6-year-old Isaac Anthony is sticking to the golden rule of political campaigns: Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS). Of course, that would actually only apply if he understood all that he was saying. This video, posted four days ago, already has over 11K comments at YouTube! What do you think? Is this "neat," or is it "ama?"

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Literally the stupidest thing I've seen today. I'm not sure if this is an attempt to appear balanced in order to expand your readership or if Mr. Israel just has terrible taste.
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I have a 6 year old son. The only way a kid that young can have strong political opinions either way is if their parents brainwash them. "Mr. & Mrs Obama are not proud of America" -- how would a kid form this opinion on their own? This video makes me cringe, bigtime.
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