Heh! I've just noticed the name of butt condom, ...er, the toilet seat covers that we have here at the NeatoPlex. "Yours Alone." I can think of only one better name: 002 - For Your Butt Only.
Top that, Neatoramanaut...
In the board game Clue, you and quite a few murder suspects are in a mansion that contains a kitchen, ballroom, study, conservatory, billiard room, library, hall, lounge, dining room, and a cellar. How much would a real-...
(vimeo link)
I think the aim of this video is to get NASA to hire a French chef as an astronaut! Corentin Charron made this as his third-year project at Supinfocom Arles, a digital animation school in France. -Tha...
(Live Leak link)
What a great watch cat! Though... I suspect that the cat wouldn't care a bit if the raccoon made off with the jewelry or the fruit bowl or the camera. He was probably just defending his food bowl. -vi...
Music is a wonderful way to sooth your child to sleep, but any parent can tell you that and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and other lullabies will make you sick after you hear (or sing) them a thousand times. That's wher...