Conversion of a Climate Change Skeptic

Physicist Richard Muller was skeptical of the whole climate change claim, but unlike most skeptics who are content to be just armchair critics, he did something about it.

In 2010, Muller and a team of scientists started the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST), a project to rigorously review more than 39,000 temperature measurement stations across the globe (in a way that addressed the main criticism of climate sceptics, namely that the data are homogenized or adjusted. Muller's method, on the other hand, relies on raw data).

Last week, BEST released its latest paper concluding that not only is climate change real, it's also caused by humans. Muller wrote in The New York Times:

CALL me a converted skeptic. Three years ago I identified problems in previous climate studies that, in my mind, threw doubt on the very existence of global warming. Last year, following an intensive research effort involving a dozen scientists, I concluded that global warming was real and that the prior estimates of the rate of warming were correct. I’m now going a step further: Humans are almost entirely the cause.

Climate change skeptics, however, remain unmoved.

The Koch brothers gave him a grant because they expected him to cast more doubt on the climate models, not affirm them. They, along with most conservatives, were FURIOUS when he reached the opposite conclusion last year. Their money was an upfront grant for the study. I'd be surprised if they gave him more (although stranger things have happened).

You might also be surprised about China. It's not as strong as it is in the US, but there's a growing environmental movement there. As their middle class grows, they've begun to realize that prosperity is useless if you're too sick to enjoy it due to a toxic environment. They're actually investing far more than the US in renewable energy sources. Really, we're playing a global game of the prisoners dilemma, where doing nothing is the equivalent of ratting out your neighbor. It also explains why inaction is the likely outcome.....
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Honestly, who cares about this guy? You are either convinced by the total concensus of experimentation and observation spanning the global scientific community...or you're convinced by the oil-funded rhetoric which is based on exactly no experimentation or observation. One physicist doesn't matter.

And to respond to timothyemerson, the first thing we can do about global warming is to get non-scientists to acknowledge it exists. Although I do know how hard it is for people to stop foaming at the mouth about taxes (even though raising taxes need not be a part of the solution.)
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It seems to me the whole shrill discourse about global warming is a well funded attempt by oil companies to keep their pockets lined. It's common sense to move away from polluting fossil fuels and toward renewable sources. At the same time, making vehicles, energy production and hvac more efficient and cleaner is a no-brainer. Whether climate change is man-made or not is pretty much beside the point here.

Like the stealth funding of the tea-party, follow the money. Don't vote against your own best interests.
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@ezpz you are easily one of my favorite commenters on here.
You are absolutely right about China, not only are they NOT going to stop but they are making new deals right now to ship even more coal from Wyoming all the way to Oregon, down the Columbia River and straight to China! (Wonder what that will do to the cost of coal for Americans?)
Fossil fuels will be used and burned, bought and sold, no matter how many global warming studies are done. Period. LOL!
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What could we possibly do about it, even if it were true? Stop breathing? Stop heating our homes? Stop raising cattle? Stop driving cars? What is it exactly that you would expect to be done to cause the temperatures to decrease?

Do you really think China is going to reduce the amount of fossil fuels that they use because some people claim that the planet is being heated up by Man? Do you?

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Timothy: "So, what shall we do about global warming then? "

Timothy, let not your heart be troubled. The AGW bleating is not worth a cup of warm spit. Nothing will be done because nothing will happen.
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Timothy, we will do what we always do - nothing. We will wait until the last minute for the crisis to happen and then jump into action to try to fix the damage when it's already too late. Have no doubt, the planet will definitely survive, but life will start to become a little more... competitive.
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So, what shall we do about global warming then? Agree to higher taxes so that governments can move everyone to higher ground when the time comes or build a wall around land that is low enough like the Dutch? If it all comes to nothing and the water level doesn't rise enough, do we get our money back?
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How nice to see the term skeptic applied to someone who actually is a skeptic!

From the wikipedia entry on skepticism:
"A scientific (or empirical) skeptic is one who questions beliefs on the basis of scientific understanding. Most scientists, being scientific skeptics, test the reliability of certain kinds of claims by subjecting them to a systematic investigation using some form of the scientific method."

This is exactly what Muller did, which resulted in him changing his mind. This is also exactly what other so-called climate "skeptics" do not do. Calling them skeptics is a huge compliment they don't deserve. They are simply deniers, and denying doesn't require any work.
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