Don't Ever Sleep With A Weeping Angel Toy

Sure, it looks like an adorable little amigurumi toy, but we all know that weeping angels come to life the second you stop looking at them. So why on earth would you risk putting one in your own home.

Of course, anything that contains an image of a weeping angel becomes a weeping angel, so I've pretty much condemned all of you to die anyway, so I guess go ahead and order one of the toys -the angels can't get you twice, right?


Need to have a scary version too. Arms out with scary face and teeth visible. Then create a GIF with a long lead time on the first image and as people are pondering purchase the 2nd image changes to the scary one and they freak the Hell out wondering if they actually blinked. Hee hee he... now that would be good times indeed.
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the episode with the weeping angels is the only episode of doctor who i have actually watched all the way through.

are there no other good episodes? i didn't think they appeared more than that one time...but every time i see anything related to doctor who they are referenced as if they are a central part of the show.
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