Ben Koros describes the design challenge:
The biggest problem with dog waste disposal cans is, that they fill up on domestic rubbish way before time – thus even responsible dog owners can’t dispose their pet’s waste.
His simple but clever solution was to place a curve into the lid so that poop-filled plastic bags could fit in, but not regular trash.
Link -via Technabob
and how much does this "single purpose" garbage can cost vs. a "multi purpose" one like everyplace everywhere has used for always?
stupid overthinking of a non-problem.
However to deposit said poo you tilt the head back and drop the bag down its neck. Cathartic sometimes, but definitely a hidden message here.
Also, I wonder what would happen if someone dropped a match or ciggy in the hole.... burning crap smells ten times worse.
Step 1: Dog takes a big steamer
Step 2: Put big nasty dump in a plastic bag
Step 3: Hold baggie of poop so it is dangling like a medieval ball and chain (do not hit others as if you are Braveheart, this is unacceptable behavior)
Step 4: Follow the maze (I know, it might be a complicated maze, but power through, you've already made it this far!)
Sept 5: Release poop flail into the poopy abyss.