The New Look Of Chuck E. Cheese

Chuck E. Cheese, beloved icon of animatronic rock band pizzatainment, has been killed and replaced with the ratty little rocker you see before you.

Childhood is now dead and rolling in it's little plastic coffin, and token flavored pizza will never taste the same again.

How are they going to make a mascot costume for this guy, are they gonna throw a ratty head on some hairy scenester who doesn't get enough sun?

Or are they just going to beam him into the establishments via hologram? Maybe he's starting a new band with Tupac...


Comments (7)

Honestly, this design is a little designed-by-committee looking, sure, but it's miles better than the Extreeeeeeeeme roller blading/skateboarding too-much-safety-gear-wearing rat we've had for years.

I miss the talk show host schtick personally.

Though, I can never really forgive the rodent for replacing Billy Bob and the Rock-a-fire Explosion.
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Unfortunately for our nostalgia, kid things don't belong to us adults anymore. Let the new generation build their own nostalgia without us trying to shove ours into their brains, ya know?
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This has the benefit of rendering Chuck E. Cheese commercials unrecognizable by my daughter, so we don't get subjected to 30 minutes of pleas to go there. Thanks, marketing guys!
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