Soviet Hydrofoil: Rocket of the Riverways

Soviet hydrofoil Burevestnik (Stormbringer), with two airplane turbine engines.

We've covered the Soviet's Ekranoplan before in our feature Bigger is Better: 7 Insane Soviet Projects, but that's not the only hydrofoil vehicles they built. Dark Roasted Blend has a feature of the "rockets of the riverways" that will make you pine for the good ol' days of the Cold War: Link - Thanks Avi!


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I used to ride these in greece when I wanted to get to the islands in 1/5th the time of regular ships & ferrys! The Greeks bought them from the USSR & called them the "Flying Dolphins".
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Hey! I travelled on these back in 1984, on a visit to Leningrad, they were fantastic, typically soviet, a space-age concept, operated by a scruffy guy with a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth.
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