It's once again time for our collaboration with the always amusing What Is It? Blog. Can you guess what the pictured item is? Or can you make up something interesting?
Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, please, though you can enter as many guesses as you'd like in separate comments. Post no URLs or weblinks, as doing so will forfeit your entry. Two winners: the first correct guess and the funniest (albeit ultimately wrong) guess will win T-shirt from the NeatoShop.
Please write your T-shirt selection alongside your guess. If you don't include a selection, you forfeit the prize, okay? May we suggest the Science T-Shirt, Funny T-Shirt and Artist-Designed T-Shirts?
See all this week's mystery objects at the What Is It? Blog. Good luck!
Update: the mystery item is a salt kettle, in which salty water was boiled away to leave salt. This particular kettle has a historic background, which you can read at the What Is It? blog. The first commenter with the correct answer was Adam Johns, who did not select a t-shirt. The funniest answer came from Galen, who said this was a memorial to Lonesome George. That's good for a t-shirt! Thanks to everyone who played, and thanks to the What Is It? Blog.
Comments (67)
Paddle Faster - I Hear Banjo Music XL
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Paddle faster I hear banjo XL
Craig Clayton
Slugs Are Just Homeless Snails 2X