If the food is bad at this restaurant, you can blame the chip. That is, the microchip in the waiters and chef because they are all robots:
A restaurant located in Harbin, China has recently adopted a full robotic staff to serve its customers. This robot-friendly restaurant features 18 different robots that are capable of doing everything from cooking to serving. Equipped with motion detectors, these innovative new workers are capable of expressing ten different facial expressions and able to converse in basic Chinese. Once a diner walks in, an “usher robot” directs him to an empty booth while reciting a clever greeting: ‘Earth Person, Hello, Welcome to the Robot Restaurant.’
Depending on what the customers order, cooking robots such as the “dumpling robot” and “noodle robot” gets to cooking. And finally, when the dish is prepared, a robot waiter, which runs along tracks on the floor, carries it from kitchen to table.
Alice Chan of PSFK has the story: Link