Gregory Euclide's Lunch Break Whiteboard Art Masterpieces

What did you do on your lunch break? Artist and high school teacher Gregory Euclide did a little scribble on his classroom's whiteboard to create a lunch break masterpiece in just 25 minutes!

Here's an interview with Minnesota Original:

MNO: Please tell me about the white board series – how did that begin?

GE: After teaching 38 students an hour, five hours a day, for 8 months… I started to get a little restless. So, during my lunch break I would start these drawings on the white board. It was a kind of stress release. I would give myself 25 minutes to finish something. They were just sketches that I enjoyed doing.

MNO: What tools did you use?

GE: I was using sumi ink, brushes, spray bottles, erasers, paper towels… anything I could find around my desk.

MNO: These projects were presumably all washed away – what appealed to you about creating a completely impermanent work?

GE: I could make them in 25 minutes, so they were not too incredibly precious to me. Yes, they were all washed away. I was kind of showing students what could be done with 25 minutes of time. They would come in from the previous day and be like… “what happened to that drawing that was up there yesterday?” I would explain that I washed it off and they would just be floored that someone would make something and then destroy it. Part of the exercise was to create something… to stay active while I was at school. Part of it was also to demonstrate something to my students…I was trying to convey something about value, something about impermanence and maybe something about using time to better oneself…to possibly interest them. Many of them were interested in the process.

Link | More at Gregory's website - via Visual News

And if you find his artwork style suspiciously familiar, perhaps you'd be interested to know that he designed the artwork used on the Bon Iver album cover.

Previously on Neatorama: Gregory Euclide's Artwork (blogged back in 2006!) 

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