Guess What's Inside The Amazing Spider-Man Mystery Box

w00t! The Amazing Spider-Man has landed at the NeatoHQ! If you're a fan of the web slinger, you can win the goodies inside this Spider-Man Mystery Box that our pals over at Hasbro sent to us.

Undoubtedly, many of you with strong Google-fu can find out what's actually inside the box, so the game is a bit different. Here are the rules:

1. Guess the funniest and wildest thing you can imagine is inside the Amazing Spider-Man box. One item guess per comment, please.

2. With each comment, enter a NeatoShop item you'd like (anything in stock, $25 or less). May we suggest the Funny T-Shirts, Science T-Shirts, and the Zombie Shop categories?

3. You can enter as many guesses as you'd like, but they have to be in separate comments.

4. Incomplete entries forfeit the prize.

Funniest guesses will win a random item from the mystery box, or their selection of one NeatoShop item. Good luck!

Update 7/5/12: The Amazing Spider-Man Mystery Box Winners

Comments (54)

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Toby McGuire's MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss
2. Look Out Schrodinger's Cat T-Shirt, XL, Chocolate
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The black ooze from Prometheus. Spawns new conversations every time you open the box, and opens up the possibility of a Spider-Man/ALIEN crossover.

Powered by Caffeine XL, please.
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